Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
(Page 1 of 13)

Hi, I refute "Under the administrations of Petion, prosperity...

Hi, I refute "Under the administrations of Petion, prosperity reappeared. ". My sources said under petion, Haiti fell under economic despair. my sources are Franklin James, John Candler, Bob Heinl...etc. Analysis: Making uneducated black soldiers... more »

Mr. Civil I wish you all the luck in becoming president of...

Mr. Civil I wish you all the luck in becoming president of Haiti. You sound like a patriot and I am hopeful. But keep in mind there is another patriot who never became president of Haiti; his name is Antenor Firmin. why? Because he revealed ahead... more »

Maya Angelou to the rescue

You are in love with Tommy, Because his last name is Hilfiger, But behind closed doors, Tommy, Is calling you a n*gger, But you could care less, Because you have been taught to dress to impress, If I ask you about your true history, You would have... more »

Taurus, Thanks for the input. This was initially written in...

Taurus, Thanks for the input. This was initially written in 2003. The basic idea is identical as in wireless system: capacity reuse to reduce operational costs. The frame work itself is environment-independent. It could work in Haiti as well other... more »

Yes, it absolutely matters. It matters to me and I believe it...

Yes, it absolutely matters. It matters to me and I believe it matters to the 80% living in abject poverty how a nation went from France's richest colony to the hemisphere's most impoverished nation in less than a century after independence. It's... more »

Phillipe: Merci pour la liste mais ce qui nous interresse c'est...

Phillipe: Merci pour la liste mais ce qui nous interresse c'est savoir qui est elite noir et qui est elite mulatre et faire le calcul. J'avais pas inclu les multitudes de gouvernements provisoires mais je pense que le pourcentage va etre encore... more »

Phillip: L'elite mulatre ou noir a ete au pouvoir 68% du temps...

Phillip: L'elite mulatre ou noir a ete au pouvoir 68% du temps deja. La liste est telle: petion,boyer,herard,geffrard,salnave,saget,canal,tancrede auguste,dartiguenave,borno,vincent,lescot,roy, ajoutant salomon et hyppolite et y compris... more »

Je ne cherche nullement des excuses; je fais seulement des...

Je ne cherche nullement des excuses; je fais seulement des rappels historiques pour nous aider a mieux comprendre comment un coin de terre appele (Haiti) est passe de colonie francaise plus prospere au pays independant le plus appauvri de... more »

Wesly, Bien sur. Mais regardons l'histoire d'abord. Le...

Wesly, Bien sur. Mais regardons l'histoire d'abord. Le gouvernement d'Hyppolite grace a Antenor Firmin a prette beaucoup d'attentions a nos provinces. Le gouvernement de Paul Magloire a publie un plan d'actions titre " Decentralization et... more »

Claude, you were doing ok until you started talking about the...

Claude, you were doing ok until you started talking about the "minority bourgeois...". First of all, in scientific circles we stopped using the term 'bourgeois' - it's a meaningless term; we use the term 'Haitian elite' broken down into the moneyed... more »

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