Mr. le President....Just an idea

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It's just an idea....

Hope you take great consideration in this idea MR President...If you want to put a great smile in my face. Let's put aside the poverty in my country which is a very important subject that we cannot forget.

At the same time I have a positive idea where I feel that we need to bring beauty to our city which is Port-au-Prince.

Mr. President, I grew up there, I went to school, there lived until I was thirteen years old in Petion-Ville then relocated to New York to continue my studies further in 1984. Since then my mom owned her private business, a la rue Geffrard, next to Oso Blanco and I traveled every Summer back to Haiti to visit my parents, since then I continued traveling there until I reached College and moved on with my life in Folrida.

Now married with 2 beautiful girls, my dream is to see my kids able to enjoy HAITI as I did, while growing up, but I'm too scared and I am not convinced and ready to expose them there as yet. I have not traveled there since 2001 and that was just for 3 days for a function and I never went back not by choice but just feel that the HAITI, I onced knew and enjoyed in my teen years going to L'AUBERGE, parties & beaches etc...kaliko, me will HAITI ever be the same again?

I never felt POOR while growing up, my family not rich, lived fairly well and able, yet the country economically was not at its best, but there was a life....MR PREVAL.

How can you help or can I help to make it go back to the way it was in the 70's and early 80's.
I have one souhaite que vous preniez ce petit conseil en consideration...Why not have the home-owners in the capital pay a minimal tax on a yearly basis to have their house cleaned up and painted with like set colors, like pastels or caribean colors, that the govt will impose in order to change the look of the city. As you go down in the airport in Haiti, does it bother you to see that most of the houses are not painted whether they are finished or not

well it does to me, the houses are still not covered with paint...and this is the 21st century.

As a president, why can't you impose a fine on those houses?

to clean up the city!!
JACMEL beautified its houses

they did it!!!!!! and they are successful at it and you see there are a lot of colors in that place and it's beautiful.

How can we beautify Port-au Prince, starting with the airport decorated with more Palm Trees from Florida for example or wherever you can get them cheaper and beautiful flowers all around the airport, again that's just and idea.
The DGE has gotten recently, some$$$$$ as much as $65,000.000.00, how can you borrow from them and help clean up the city .This is where everybody comes in before going to their hometown most of the time...It should not be any reason why Dominican Republic is more beautiful and ahead of us...doesn't it bother you as a PRESIDENT, well it does for me and I wish I had the means to help my country because like I said before I never felt I was llivng in a third-world country.

I realized it until I came in the states...and that's ashame.

Please Mr. President, take my words in consideration because I have hope for HAITI just don't have the $$$ to do it as a woman, I would if I was President.

I'm asking you one favor and promise me, can you try to follow ex President ESTIME 's footsetps, he was a very clean man and attracted a lot of tourists in the country back then. I have videotape at home, to prove it, and it brougth tears to my eyes, I was not even born yet..then Haiti was called "La Perle des Antilles".

I believe in you sir, and I know your background, you can do it and you love Haiti as I do. Let's get help from some great teachers and rebuild the city. If I was guaranteed a job, trust me I would decorate my city and make it a beautiful place to live in, it's just like your house...just with more people living in just have to set rules and enforce them by punishing those who do not maintain the rules, if you have to. The big cities do it....they set up fines, one example here in Florida, they give you a fine if you drop papers in the streets apply it in Haiti too pour les places, les rues, devant les eglises, L'aeroport etc....

With all due respects, sir, I hope your response will be pleasing to me.

Good day!

Cremebrulee, October 9 2007, 12:30 PM

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