It's funny that they have no peace in their native land in...

Amy says...

it's funny that they have no peace in their native land in create so much pain in host countries.

they are animals to me. I just don't feel sorry for the ppls being killed like roaches.

pay back is a bitch!!

The topic is: Bill Clinton and Haiti's Syrian/Lebanon Elites
This is a reply to Msg 22630
Posted by Amy on June 22 2010 at 9:28 PM

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You are not making any kind of sense so I will be brief. Color per se has nothing to do with The governance of a country. You said it yourself, that Mulattoes are capable of being a good boss. They are being praised by the DR people. That alone shou > >
Bernadete S., 22-Mar-10 10:24 pm
Pimanbouk you should have been hotter than that- Why don't you tell you black friends not to attack people when they have not done anything to them? They are the ones who attack with no real issues. They just gossip, than they take the gossip to rea > >
Bernadete S., 22-Mar-10 10:44 pm
If you think that bourgeoisie has nothing to do with Haiti's underdevelopment, you must think twice and think again. You have good heart, but those infamous elites of Haiti don't have a generous heart. Black or mulatto elites are dirty pigs and cro > >
Sabine, 23-Mar-10 2:29 am
NO, the U.S. tanish your reputation..Stop being a coward and talk bad about rich Haitian people all the time when you can open your mounth here. > >
Jean Pe, 23-Mar-10 5:43 am
AMENNNNN finally people are starting to know the truth. Bill n Hiliary are responsible for the way haiti is. No one EVER mentions how they along with hiliary's brother own the assests of the phone company teleco, making millions off the haitian peo > >
Kat, 3-May-10 11:19 pm
My friend, I do not disagree with your assertions, but what can we do? Haiti is an outcast mismanaged country well endorsed by the international community. No matter how hard one can try to solve all Haiti's problems that will never work with the U > >
Dessalines The Tiger, 4-May-10 12:42 am
Now, the Syrian/Lebanon elites of Haiti are worst than Duvalier and the Mulattoes. With the blessing of Duvalier, the Syrians in Haiti are financing criminal gangs everywhere in Haiti and they are the ones that contribute more to the destruction of H > >
Mildred, 22-Jun-10 8:59 pm
What ever you said keep Bill Clinton name out of it. He is not a bad guy. Duvalier had syrian on his macoutic group such as Jean Kouri. The Arabs are equally racist. Observe their attitudes vis a vis the Black Americans in the bodegas. They behave > >
Mohammed Abdul Lacrachaka, 22-Jun-10 9:16 pm
it's funny that they have no peace in their native land in create so much pain in host countries. they are animals to me. I just don't feel sorry for the ppls being killed like roaches. pay back is a bitch!! > >
Amy, 22-Jun-10 9:28 pm
Amy says: RE: Bill Clinton And Haiti's Syrian/Lebanon Elites. it's funny that they have no peace in their native land in create so much pain in host countries. they are animals to me. I just don't feel sorry for the ppls being killed like roache > >
Haitian Defense Netwok, 22-Jun-10 10:42 pm
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