1: Brown Skinned Elite From The Middle East Got Duvalier's Blessing

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We will never be liberated from this internal slavery left by the Duvalierists in Haiti.

Brian Weintein and Aaron Segal argue in their book entitled "Haiti: Political Failures and Cultural Successes" that

"Duvalier to circumvent the mulattoes who controlled medium and large businesses and who opposed Duvalier, the president won the allegiance of smaller traders of Lebanese and Syrian origin who always felt somewhat insecure without political allies.

He appointed one of their number mayor of the capital and probably recruited some into the tonton macoutes operating in Port-Au-Pce where the Arabs are concentrated.

Some Madan Saras and coffee middlemen also joined the VSN." P. 41.

Mews, Saliba, Castera, Brown, Baker, Delatour, Biggio, Accra, Beaussan, Brandt, Madsen to name a few are all macoutes and they came from the Brown Elite created by Duvalier.

Currently, they are still managing Duvalier's wealth and assets in Haiti.

This brown elite should leave Haiti, for they represent shame and humiliation, kidnappings to retain monopoly over the Haitian market, political assassinations and divisiveness politics in Haiti.

Rebu, my groups state that you cannot help due to the fact you are part of the Duvalier's legacy.

You need to justify your positions and any alliances that you have made with those people with your return in Haiti...

We must shake up the Haitian's political establishment to denounce the legacy of this Duvalier's Brown Elite (Middle Easterners) for a better managed society.

The Duvalierist Brown Elite is destroying Haiti and they must leave Haiti in the days ahead ok.

Dieusibon Louvain, April 11 2010, 11:01 PM

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Louvain, I knew that Duvalier had created the Brown Elite of those middleast people in Haiti, but I did not have a... read more >
Dessalines The Avenger, 11-Apr-10 11:10 pm
Why most people in the Haitian government and outside the governmental show extravaganza and are thirsty for luxuries... read more >
Voice Of Reason., 12-Apr-10 12:15 am
You have not made your case and the brown elite as composed by Duvalier Francois to compete is responsible for making... read more >
Jolibois Petithomme, 12-Apr-10 12:57 am
Apa li papa! When I was a kid growing up in Haiti, almost all the food we consumed was grown locally. read more >
Taylor Laguerre, 12-Apr-10 6:16 pm


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