I believe that you really need an English translator to...

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Reply to Msg 21065

I believe that you really need an English translator to translate your thoughts, for you have made too many mistakes in your postings.

Why don't you post your messages in French?

There is an advertising on 1010 News Radio that states this:The words you use can sink you off as a bad breath and other people will stay away from you. If you are leaving in the U.S., you still can register for some online English classes or English distance learning courses.

I got this sentence below from your latest post:

Is the patriotic sense will prevail ultimately on the tradition of corruption of its government and its accolytes.

Let's take a time to analyze the structure of the above sense! I believe that you wanted to say this: Will[Can] his patriotic sense ultimately prevail despite the rampant corruption of his administration along with his accolytes?

I tried hard to figure out what you were trying to say; therefore, it is suggested that you should register for an English class to master the basic grammar rules before you start criticizing the current puppet president.

As a former head of the Interior Ministry Department, you have once again proved that you were incompetent in writing information to help your former government deal with the Haitian news media as well as the international press agencies.

As a former Interior Minister, you were supposed to be qualified in four different languages before you occupied that position.

Again, you were unqualified to fill that position.

That is why the state of Haiti has found itself in this political mess where its political actors have to hire unqualified people to continue the politics of squalor and obscurantism as well. Stop writing in English on this political blog.

It is never too late to learn.

Go ahead and register yourself for an English class or hire a translator to transcribe your thoughts in writing if you still want to write in English.

I hope that you understand it. That is why we need the New State of Haiti to make drastic reforms to end the clientelism regime model as established by previous puppet presidents for the past 206 years of Haiti's history...

Dessalines The Avenger, April 6 2010, 3:29 AM

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I believe that you really need an English translator to translate your thoughts, for you have made too many mistakes... read more >
Dessalines The Avenger, 6-Apr-10 3:29 am


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