Well, MINUSTAH and the US troops aren't doing anything in the...

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Reply to Msg 19385

Well, MINUSTAH and the US troops aren't doing anything in the country other than controlling it. They're not helping the people.

Humanitarian workers, on the other hand, are fine.

And more Haitians will die regardless because they're vaccinating a bunch of Haitians, and, I'm sorry, but any vaccination program from the US scares me. In fact, even Americans are afraid of American vaccinations.

For us, too many Haitians died from the "earthquake," but for them, not enough died, which is why most people are NOT receiving aid, while stacks and stacks of stuff are sitting around.

I've been in contact with people in Haiti and most of them are dying of hunger and tents are being withheld from them.

This so-called earthquake gives them what they needed, which is a pretext to go control Haiti do what they've wanted to do for years.

Nadege, February 11 2010, 3:16 AM

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Nadege you have made a pretty good point about the brainwashing of our local elites and the international community to... read more >
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Dessalines The Avenger, 11-Feb-10 2:40 am
Well, MINUSTAH and the US troops aren't doing anything in the country other than controlling it. They're not helping... read more >
Nadege, 11-Feb-10 3:16 am


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