The monkey (Preval)just get a woman that's all. Or maybe he...
Jean Pierre says...

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The monkey (Preval)just get a woman that's all.
Or maybe he like light meat, that is choice.
The topic is: President Preval Wedding Pictures
This is a reply to Msg 18348
Posted by Jean Pierre on January 16 2010 at 11:40 AM
Messages in this topic
This boy is a joke, like Sweet Mickey said, "Li gen yon pouvwa prostat nan bouda li". LOL > >
Eric, 15-Dec-09 9:58 am
Je pense que beaucoup d'entre vous sont toujours reste des enfants car je ne crois pas que la photo n'a rien de ridicule, ce n'est qu'un mariage et tout homme doit avoir une compagne a ses cotes pour etre heureux c'est la loi de Dieu. Ce n'est p > >
Nancy D Watkins, 15-Dec-09 7:01 pm
Nou tout funni.....nous fem ri.........preval mwen pa remen paske ou fe un chose ki vreman revoir.... et bon fete pou tout mon.......joyeux noel..... > >
Weeza Boo, 21-Dec-09 5:01 pm
Were the previous two wives too dark for the Haitian National Palace? Well, mother earth gave her opinion on that on January 12, 2010. Now our national palace is forced to bow down to the power of God or the whitening of Haiti? > >
Moumoun, 16-Jan-10 11:26 am
The monkey (Preval)just get a woman that's all. Or maybe he like light meat,that is choice. > >
Jean Pierre, 16-Jan-10 11:40 am
Preval est incompetent,il doit laisser le pouvoir aux jeunes intellectuels devoues pour reconstruire notre pays. > >
Eddy, 9-Mar-10 4:47 am
C'est aussi mon avis laisser le pays aux jeunes nationalistes.Mais mr. Lucas ignore l'analyse est basee sur la precedence de la premiere occupation americaine de 1915 a 1934 ou l'americain n'a rien foutu en Haiti. Et mr. Lucas comme un oublieur > >, 9-Mar-10 12:36 pm
Im Haitian,, and Haiti will never advance leaders in the country has no dream or project to help their own country,,in 2007 the president (preval) bought a one million dollar house under his wifes name in coral gables,,,what kind o > >
Josh Jhonson, 27-Mar-10 3:42 pm
Haiti does not pay a president enough for him to accumulate one million dollars during his tenure in office. So if Preval bought a million dollar house for his current wife that means he stole the money. All presidential candidates in Haiti should b > >
Abit Pletil, 27-Mar-10 6:52 pm
You will not find such information but we can request an audit about Preval's management of Haitian Treasury before he leaves office at the end of his term. Once a Haitian president is good for his economic elites and the United States, one cannot r > >
Claire-heureuse Flambert, 27-Mar-10 7:08 pm