I am not mad to some one who want to help haiti. But what we...

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Reply to Msg 16072

I am not mad to some one who want to help haiti.

But what we should understand if a country always on the humanitarian mode only, that destroy the country ability to be creative, this is an handicap for haiti.

we are always waiting on a sac of rice, or a sac farine.

that strategy destroys our pride as a nation.

If some go to a country for humanitarian service that same person refuse to go there as a tourist.

Also in haiti they sould have a law to restrict that non-profit organisation in haiti.

Think about it!!! Almost, every single person in haiti has a non-profit organization or try to create one, protestant church, catholic church, the politicians, students, you name it. all these non-profit organisations make their money by taking dirty pics of kids in haiti and then vini chiente devan blan-an, I witnessed some haitian pastors, priests, started crying in front of the white men to show how haiti is poor. What happan with our dignity, respect, pride?

I hate non-profit organisation in haiti, because it create parasitism, laziness, lack of creativity in our nation.

if you check all counrty where non-profit are concentred, those countries was behind, is behind and will be behind.

because when you make your own bread out of your own sweat, people give you respect, but when people give you a bread avery day you look low, you look dog, and you will not get respect...

GO to www.haitipoze.com see our broadcast on the internet you could be our guest.

Dj Connection, July 30 2009, 7:35 PM

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I am not mad to some one who want to help haiti. But what we should understand if a country always on the humanitarian... read more >
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