First, you are not Haitian. You must think that all Haitians...

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Reply to Msg 7304

First, you are not Haitian.

You must think that all Haitians are so stupid that they can't tell a white trash religious Christian fundamentalist when they read one. I have dealt with your kind many times.

I have studied the havoc that you cause in the minds of people of color all over the world.

I have seen the cargo loads of you on all the flights going to Haiti since the late 1990s.

You pounce on that poor country like vampires on their prey. I have been interviewing my people for the past four years, and have become very aware of the poison that you are spreading.

Telling them that something is wrong with them because they rather worship through an African base religion than through a White men's created tradition.

Telling them that the heroes of the revolution were criminals.

Your fraking leaders committed more crimes against people of color than history can ever retell.

An no, you fundamentalist creep, I did not say that there was no sorcery in Haiti, because unlike you I know my country, but more importantly, I took the time to read and learn about a tradition before I shot my mouth off full of idiotic ignorance.

Vodou and sorcery are not from the same tradition you idiot.

Sorcery came to Haiti from the French (from you white people), in particular from a book called Little Albert that came to the island after the revolution.

So the two are not the same you moron, you incredibly twisted religious fundamentalist perverted White trash.


Linda, April 6 2008, 11:37 PM


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je suis fier au qu'il y est des gens qui lisent les articles, en fait c'est bien. je suis un Haitien, tres fier de ma... read more >
Gabriel Cajour, 6-Apr-08 6:40 pm
First, you are not Haitian. You must think that all Haitians are so stupid that they can't tell a white trash... read more >
Linda, 6-Apr-08 11:37 pm


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