a refutation of racism by ayn rand_ a must-read!

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An excerpt from the chapter "Racism" from the book THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS by Ayn Rand, copyright 1964 by Ayn Rand for New American Library:

"Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism.

It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage--the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry.

Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its CONTENT) is inherited; that a man's convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control.

This is the caveman's version of the doctrine of innate ideas--or of inherited knowledge--which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science.

Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes.

It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.

Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty.

Racism negates two aspects of man's life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

The respectable family that supports worthless relatives or covers up their crimes in order to 'protect the family name' (as if the moral stature of one man could be damaged by the actions of another)--the bum who boasts that his great-grandfather was an empire-builder, or the small-town spinster who boasts that her maternal great-uncle was a state senator and her third cousin gave a concert at Carnegie Hall (as if the achievements of one man could rub off on the mediocrity of another)--the parents who search genealogical trees in order to evaluate their prospective sons-in-law--the celebrity who starts his autobiography with a detailed account of his family history--all these are samples of racism, the atavistic manifestations of a doctrine whose full expression is the tribal warfare of prehistorical savages, the wholesale slaughter of Nazi Germany, the atrocities of today's so-called 'newly emerging nations.'

The theory that holds 'good blood' or 'bad blood' as a moral- intellectual criterion, can lead to nothing but torrents of blood in practice.

Brute force is the only avenue of action open to men who regard themselves as mindless aggregates of chemicals.

Modern racists attempt to prove the superiority or inferiority of a given race by the historical achievements of some of its members.

The frequent historical spectacle of a great innovator who, in his lifetime, is jeered, denounced, obstructed, persecuted by his countrymen, and then, a few years after his death, is enshrined in a national monument and hailed as a proof of the greatness of the German (or French or Italian or Cambodian) race is as revolting a spectacle of collectivist expropriation, perpetrated by racists, as any expropriation of material wealth perpetrated by communists.

Just as there is no such thing as a collective or racial mind, so there is no such thing as a collective or racial achievement.

There are only individual minds and individual achievements--and a CULTURE is not the anonymous product of undifferentiated masses, but the sum of the intellectual achievements of individual men.

Even if it were proved--which it is not--that the incidence of men of potentially superior brain power is greater among the members of certain races than among the members of others, it would still tell us nothing about any given individual and it would be irrelevant to one's judgment of him. A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race--and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

It is hard to say which is the more outrageous injustice: the claim of Southern racists that a Negro genius should be treated as an inferior because his race has 'produced' some brutes--or the claim of a German brute to the status of a superior because his race has 'produced' Goethe, Schiller and Brahms.

These are not two different claims, of course, but two applications of the same basic premise.

The question of whether one alleges the superiority or the inferiority of any given race is irrelevant; racism has only one psychological root: the racist's sense of his own inferiority.

Like every other form of collectivism, racism is a quest for the unearned.

It is a quest for automatic knowledge--for an automatic evaluation of men's characters that bypasses the responsibility of exercising rational or moral judgment--and, above all, a quest for an automatic self-esteem (or pseudo self-esteem).

To ascribe one's virtues to one's racial origin, is to confess that one has no knowledge of the process by which virtues are acquired and, most often, that one has failed to acquire them. The overwhelming majority of racists are men who have earned no sense of personal identity, who can claim no individual achievement or distinction, and who seek the illusion of a 'tribal self-esteem' by alleging the inferiority of some other tribe.

Observe the hysterical intensity of the Southern racists; observe also that racism is much more prevalent among the poor white trash than among their intellectual betters.

Historically, racism has always risen or fallen with the rise or fall of collectivism.

Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group (to 'society,' to the tribe, the state, the nation) and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests.

The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force--and STATISM has always been the political corollary of collectivism.

The absolute state is merely an institutionalized form of gang-rule, regardless of which particular gang seizes power.

And--since there is no rational justification for such rule, since none has ever been or can ever be offered--the mystique of racism is a crucial element in every variant of the absolute state.

The relationship is reciprocal: statism rises out of prehistorical tribal warfare, out of the notion that the men of one tribe are the natural prey for the men of another--and establishes its own internal subcategories of racism, a system of castes determined by a man's birth, such a inherited titles of nobility or inherited serfdom.

The racism of Nazi Germany--where men had to fill questionnaires about their ancestry for generations back, in order to prove their ARYAN descent--has its counterpart in Soviet Russia, where men had to fill similar questionnaires to show that their ancestors had owned no property and thus to prove their PROLETARIAN descent.

The Soviet ideology rests on the notion that men can be conditioned to communism GENETICALLY--that is, that a few generations conditioned by dictatorship will transmit communist ideology to their descendants, who will be communists AT BIRTH.

The persecution of racial minorities in Soviet Russia, according to the racial descent and whim of any given commissar, is a matter of record; anti-Semitism is particularly prevalent--only the official pogroms are now called 'political purges'.

There is only one antidote to racism: the philosophy of individualism and its politico-economic corollary, laissez faire capitalism.

Individualism regards man--every man--as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to his own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being.

Individualism holds that a civilized society, or any form of association, cooperation or peaceful coexistence among men, can be achieved only on the basis of the recognition of individual rights--and that a group, as such, has no rights other than the individual rights of its members

observer keen

Inscrit le: 16 Aoû 2005
Messages: 495

Posté le: Mer 22 Mar à 1:12

It is not a man's ancestors or genes or body chemistry that count in a free market, but only one human attribute: productive ability.

It is by his own individual ability and ambition that capitalism judges a man and rewards him accordingly.

No political system can establish universal rationality by law (or by force).

But capitalism is the only system that functions in a way which rewards rationality and penalizes all forms of irrationality, including racism.

A fully free, capitalist system has not yet existed anywhere.

But what is enormously significant is the correlation of racism and political controls in the semi-free economies of the nineteenth century.

Racial and/or religious persecutions of minorities stood in inverse ratio to the degree of a country's freedom.

Racism was strongest in the more controlled economies such as Russia and Germany--and weakest in England, the then freest country of Europe.

It is capitalism that gave mankind its first steps toward freedom and a rational way of life. It is capitalism that broke through national and racial barriers, by means of free trade.

It is capitalism that abolished serfdom and slavery in all the civilized countries of the world.

It is the capitalist North that destroyed the slavery of the agrarian-feudal South in the United States.

Such was the trend of mankind for the brief span of some hundred and fifty years.

The spectacular results and achievements of that trend need no restatement here.

The rise of collectivism reversed that trend.

When men began to be indoctrinated once more with the notion that the individual possesses no rights, that supremacy, moral authority and unlimited power belong to the group--the inevitable consequence was that men began to gravitate toward some group or another, in self-protection, in bewilderment and in subconscious terror.

The simplest collective to join, the easiest one to identify--particularly for people of limited intelligence--the least demanding form of 'belonging' and of 'togetherness' is: RACE

Today, [the] problem is growing worse--and so is every other form of racism.

America has become race-conscious in a manner reminiscent of the worst days in the most backward countries of nineteenth-century Europe.

The cause is the same: the growth of collectivism and statism.

In spite of the clamor for racial equality, propagated by the 'liberals' in the past few decades, the Census Bureau reported recently that '[the Negro's] economic status relative to whites has not improved for nearly 20 years.' It had been improving in the freer years of our 'mixed economy'; it deteriorated with the progressive enlargement of the 'liberals' Welfare State.

The growth of racism in a 'mixed economy' keeps step with the growth of government controls.

A 'mixed economy' disintegrates a country into an institutionalized civil war of pressure groups, each fighting for legislative favors and special privileges at the expense of one another

So long as the Negro leaders were fighting against government-enforced discrimination--right, justice and morality were on their side. But that is not what they are fighting any longer.

The confusions and contradictions surrounding the issue of racism have now reached an incredible climax.

It is time to clarify the principles involved.

The policy of the Southern states toward Negroes was and is a shameful contradiction of this country's basic principles.

Racial discrimination, imposed and enforced by law, is so blatantly inexcusable an infringement of individual rights that the racist statutes of the South should have been declared unconstitutional long ago.

The Southern racists' claim of 'states' rights' is a contradiction in terms: there can be no such thing as the 'right' of some men to violate the rights of others.

The constitutional concept of 'states' rights' pertains to the division of power between local and national authorities, and serves to protect the states from the Federal government; it does not grant to a state government an unlimited, arbitrary power over its citizens or the privilege of abrogating the citizens' individual rights.

It is true that the Federal government has used the racial issue to enlarge its own power and to set a precedent of encroachment upon the legitimate rights of the states, in an unnecessary and unconstitutional manner.

But this merely means that both governments are wrong; it does not excuse the policy of the Southern racists.

One of the worst contradictions, in this context, is the stand of many so-called 'conservatives' (not confined exclusively to the South) who claim to be defenders of freedom, of capitalism, of property rights, of the Constitution, yet who advocate racism at the same time. They do not seem to possess enough concern with principles to realize that they are cutting the ground from under their own feet. Men who deny individual rights cannot claim, defend or uphold any rights whatsoever.

It is such alleged champions of capitalism who are helping to discredit and destroy it.

The 'liberals' are guilty of the same contradiction, but in a different form. They advocate the sacrifice of all individual rights to unlimited majority rule--yet posture as defenders of the rights of minorities.

But the smallest minority on earth is the individual.

Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities

Instead of fighting against racial discrimination, they [minority 'leaders'] are demanding that racial discrimination be legalized and enforced.

Instead of fighting against racism, they are demanding the establishment of racial quotas.

Instead of fighting for 'color-blindness' in social and economic issues, they are proclaiming that 'color-blindness' is evil and that 'color' should be made a primary consideration.

Instead of fighting for equal rights, they are demanding special race privileges

That absurdly evil policy is destroying the moral base of the Negroes' fight.

Their case rested on the principle of individual rights.

If they demand the violation of the rights of others, they negate and forfeit their own. Then the same answer applies to them as to the Southern racists: there can be no such thing as the 'right' of some men to violate the rights of others

It is proper to forbid all discrimination in government-owned facilities and establishments: the government has no right to discriminate against any citizens.

And by the very same principle, the government has no right to discriminate FOR some citizens at the expense of others.

It has no right to violate the right of private property by forbidding discrimination in privately owned establishments.

No man, neither Negro nor white, has any claim to the property of another man. A man's rights are not violated by a private individual's refusal to deal with him. Racism is an evil, irrational and morally contemptible doctrine--but doctrines cannot be forbidden or prescribed by law. Just as we have to protect a communist's freedom of speech, even though his doctrines are evil, so we have to protect a racist's right to the use and disposal of his own property.

Private racism is not a legal, but a moral issue--and can be fought only by private means, such as economic boycott or social ostracism

In conclusion, I shall quote from an astonishing editorial in 'The N.Y. Times' of August 4--astonishing because ideas of this nature are not typical of our age:

'But the question must be not whether a group recognizable in color, features or culture has its rights as a group.

No, the question is whether any American individual, regardless of color, features or culture, is deprived of his rights as an American.

If the individual has all the rights and privileges due him under the laws and the Constitution, we need not worry about groups and masses--those do not, in fact, exist, except as figures of speech.'"

Observer Keen, March 22 2006, 3:23 PM

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