Did Senator Boulos Officially Resigned? March 21?

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Reply to Msg 6842

Letter dated March 21, 2008 Claimed Senator Boulos did not resign: Click to Message at the end.
Senator Boulos was born in the United States from Haitian Parents.

He did not "Reject his Haitian Nationality" as stipulated in the Constitution.

If the Haitian Government looses a men of Senator Boulos character, education, and worldly vision, than the entire Haiti looses.

And What will they gain in return another Senator like Gabriel Fortuné who was quoted >>>"Le sénateur Gabriel Fortuné se réjouit de la mise à l'écart des sénateurs Rudolph Boulos et Ultimo Compère détenteurs tous deux de passeports Américains.

Qualifiant le vote du rapport de la commission " d'opération césarienne et de victoire pour le pays", le sénateur Fortuné estime que " la raison l'a emporté sur la ruse et l'hypocrisie".Répondant aux questions des journalistes dans sa ville natale, Cayes, le sénateur Fortuné a souhaité la poursuite des investigations en vue de vérifier la nationalité des ministres, secrétaires d'état et députés.
Désormais René Magloire est dans la ligne de mire du sénateur Fortuné qui dit détenir des preuves de la nationalité canadienne du ministre de la justice.>>>
Does Haiti benefit from the likes of Senator Gabriel Fortuné or sénateur Joseph Lambert who's motives for this witch hunt are more personal than for the betterment of Haiti.

Senator Boulos has his own money already, he does not have to try to hang on to a few " pias" or gourdes to survive like sénateur Gabriel Fortuné or Senator Joseph Lambert.

Youri Latortue le président de la commission sur la nationalité, was quoted as saying >>" Le premier ministre Jacques Edouard Alexis également doit soumettre ses pièces qui seront analysées par la commission", dit-il estimant que le sénat a retrouvé sa crédibilité.

" Nous attendons dans les 15 jours que le Premier ministre, les ministres et les secrétaires d'état soumettent leurs formulaires avant de prendre part aux séances de questionnement" ajoute le sénateur Latortue pour qui les étrangers doivent être renvoyés du gouvernement">> All those people need to stop playing the power game and start contributing something substantial towards Haiti.

"Yon pakêt ti nêgre sotte, viscieux, qui pa wè plus loin qué nin yo" The following letter from Senator Boulos is dated March 21, 2008 if what is says is true than there is a big POWER PLAY IN MOTION IN HAITI: """I Have Not Resigned"""
Originally: Letter to senate president
Sen. Rudolph H. Boulos, 2008-03-21
Haiti Democracy Project web page item #3914 (
Ouanaminthe, March 19, 2008
Senator Kelly Bastien
President of the Senate of the Republic
Legislative Palace
Dear Mr. President,
Following the resolution of the Senate of the Republic asking me to confirm in writing my resignation as senator, I have the honor to inform you of my firm decision to not resign as senator of the Republic and to remain at my post.
Withdrawal on my part from the Senate would be a betrayal of my constituents in the Nord-Est and the mission which they have confided in me, namely to defend and uphold their interests in the Senate of the Republic.

The report of the committee presided over by Sen. Youri Latortue and the opinions emanating from it are no more than a report and opinions representing only their authors.

The resolution of the Senate of March 18, 2008 which followed the submission of the Latortue report and all the pressures directed against me and certain of my colleagues during and after the session amount to a political lynching worthy of the dictatorial period of previous regimes.

The constitution in whose name the resolution was voted formally prohibits such behavior.

Consequently, I formally protest the manner and the voting of this resolution.

I ask all my colleagues in the Senate to reassess and not be tools of a campaign to destabilize the Senate which has no other aim than to render it nonfunctional.

I once again confirm to you that I am of Haitian origin and that I have never renounced my citizenship acquired at birth.

Only the judicial system of my country can decide to the contrary.

You must not overlook the fact that the only body qualified to rule on questions of the nationality and state of persons is the Court of the First Instance and that the Senate is not qualified to decide this type of question.

No other body may substitute for this court in the exercise of its functions.

I fully intend to use all legal routes to defend my rights and those of my constituents who find themselves flouted in a way that is shameful.

Mr. President, my patriotic greetings.

Rudolph H. Boulos
Senator of the Republic
Vice-President of the Senate
cc. Mr. Victor Benoit, president of the Fusion party
click to see original letter:

Thomas, March 22 2008, 2:00 AM

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Letter dated March 21, 2008 Claimed Senator Boulos did not resign: Click to Message at the end. Senator Boulos was... read more >
Thomas, 22-Mar-08 2:00 am


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