Let's think ouside the box of charitism

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Hi, Flo
I truly appreciate your concerns for our kids today adults tomorrow.

But we can not save a nation with charity.

We can only save a nation with personal responsibility, constructive education, sacrifice, patriotism, efficiency, creativity and productivity.

What the poor kids of Haiti need is for their living parents to have jobs and a loving home.

More importantly I am a firm believer in tackling the national issue first then regional issue second.

It's still GSPARE

In other words, adopting an orphanage is a narrow accomplishment; I am interested in investing in education for the poor through private enterprise with some backing from the Haitian treasury.

That way I contribute to my homeland and get something in return also.
Charity certainly is not going to pull Haiti out of its ordeal.

I do keep in touch with several of the Haitian Student Associations; I attended City College myself; I know personnally a few of the NJ Student Association members and I was invited last year to come do an expo on privatizing Ed'H by the Florida Student Association.

I believe it would be more beneficial to Haiti if formal contacts were established between Haitian Students abroad and those at home.

The state university of Haiti has not enough chairs, not enough computers, not enough part time jobs, absolutely no research money, no spare electric generators, not enough resources for term projects, no research libraries that I know of, and so forth.

Let's do that instead.

Believe me I love the kids.

Let's think ouside the box of charitism.

Rubens Titus, October 30 2007, 9:25 PM

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