Haiti is it

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En effet!..

I just came from Haiti, the country is moving forward, security is tight, and you feel at peace.

The little crime there is, I would say it is just like any other society.

Le Premier ministre and his fellow ministre are doing a great job you can feel the competition among them, since each one of them is trying to justify their mission.

By the way this is the very first time in the Haitian history that the president have pulled back and let the Prime Minister do his job like the constitution required.

Ca, c'est déjà un exploit bravo Preval.

I hope others will follow your foot steps.

Parenthetically, I am not a Lavalas.

I am just a Haitian woman who is in love with Haiti and wants nothing but the very best for his lover.

Magalie Theodoe, August 21 2007, 1:33 PM

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