tortuga island port morgan solutions for haiti

Greg says...

My name is Greg. I am an Haitian investor.

I would like to build a hotel/restaurant/resort style on either Tortuga, Port Morgan (Cow Island) or Navassa in Haiti.

They are small islands belonging to Haiti.

However, they are not developed.

Tortuga almost got developed under Papa Doc's regime but for some reason, it did not happen.

I believe that through tourism, Haiti can get out of the nighmarish crisis that it is suffering.

A real solution would be to develop those surrounding islands.

We can start with Tortuga for example.

We can build an aiport, a port, roads, provide electricity and water.

We also need a security/polioce force on Tortuga to stop any foreigners trying to claim the island for themselves.

With that in place, investors such as myself can come in and build resorts.

With the taxed and leased revenues, the Haitian goverment can work on the internal problems on the mainland.

I do not know why past/current administration did not think of this. We have the resources to make Haiti a great place.

Is it because we do not have the money to develop a place like Tortuga?

It is not a big island?

If it is a money problem, us Haitians can solve the Haiti nightmare.

We do not need to look for a handout from other nations.

This may be far out idea but I think all Haitians all over the world can donate $100 each per year to a "trusted" organization for special projects in Haiti.

We need a good marketing campain to reach Haitians all over the world.

We need to wake up their mind and get them to see that it is their duty to help the country.

The money would translate into billions of dollars.

Intead of using the money all over the place in Haiti, we should target the development of Tortuga.

The money we will make from the tourism from Tortuga can also develop Port Morgan, Navassa and ultimately Haiti's mainland.

This would take years but it would be well worth it. All we need is a focus.

Let's focused on developing Tortuga!!! Taiwan for example, 50 years ago was as poor as Haiti.

Now, take a look at it. I do not know if President Preval is really going to read this blog. I hope this message gets to him. I know that the President Preval has been to Tortuga and he saw how beautiful and clean the beaches are. We do not need to sell a place like Tortuga to another country.

We can do it ourselves and lease the land. Let's focus on Tortuga Mr. President!

Posted by Greg on August 20 2007 at 3:50 PM

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This is probably a good idea, but development should be done very carefully to prevent destruction of the character of the locations. More and more, tourists are looking for unspoiled destinations - some even like places with no utilities! > >
Lot Bo, 20-Aug-07 11:28 pm
That is true that some tourists are looking for an unspoil beach different from a popular destination like Paradise Island (Bahamas). However, our people are dying from hunger and we are not really profiting from the unspoil places that we have like > >
Greg, 21-Aug-07 12:17 am
Thanks for your post about L'Ile de la Tortue (Tortuga). We haitians abroad would like to visit our country, but the mean to get there is so difficult. Talking about investors, some of us can create a new business opportunity, by taking people to man > >
Loulou, 21-Aug-07 12:43 am
Yes, I understand your position, and lots of money could be brought in to help the poor, if that's where it is spent. I can't think of another place I'd rather visit, but usually the profit just goes in to the investors' and finciers' pockets. Not > >
Lot Bo, 21-Aug-07 1:40 pm
Lot Bo, you have a very good point about preserving the character of the place. I like this site because we can exchange ideas and respect each others opinion. I know that President Preval is very busy and may not even be aware that this site even > >
Greg, 21-Aug-07 2:21 pm
You have the right idea. We need to start focusing on ways of developing Haiti ourselves. We have enough well educated Haitians living everywhere that can form a forum to discuss ideas, Just like a Think Tank. We need short term and long term plannin > >
Charles St Clair, 22-Aug-07 12:54 am
I hate to be pessimistic but, if you go through the archives on this site, you will notice that many people have submitted similar or better ideas than yours. However,for all the compliments bestowed on the actual government, there is no fundamental > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 23-Aug-07 10:50 am
Wow! This is very good. I am so happy that I have discovered this blog. I am learning so much from all of you. For example, I did not know that the French Institute had projects to develop our 5 islands. As you said why we did not develop it? Is > >
Greg, 23-Aug-07 3:16 pm
in 1970 8 friends form Texas, miost of them graduates of Baylor University, bought a 99 year lease on Tortuga. It had 15,000 natives in grass huts with no running water or sewer system. We were bringing in Shell Oil Company as an investor because it > >
Rod, 23-Apr-08 6:51 am
Thank God Shell Corporation the most vicious exploiter of third world countries dropped out and left our pristine island alone. Shell and its subsidiaries (there are so many they are like tentacles sucking the blood of all the countries they go to) a > >
Lionne, 23-Apr-08 11:50 am
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