What is the origin of Haiti's cholera bacteria? by Stanley Lucas

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What is the origin of the cholera bacteria that is spreading throughout Haiti?

by Stanley Lucas

The four top theories right now are:

1. Unidentified liquids from the hydro electric plant in the Central Plateau unintentionally contaminated the Artibonite River (see report of Agence Haitienne de Presse (AHP)).

2. A foreign worker who came to help after the earthquake and unintentionally contaminated some people.

3. The bacteria was intentionally dropped in-country
4. Nepaleese soldiers within the United Nations mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) spread the cholera bacteria

I don't know which theory is the truth -- no one does. It is the responsibility of the Haitian Ministries of Health and Justice of Haiti to investigate and determine what happened.

Sabine Joseph, October 25 2010, 10:38 AM

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