Dear Pinchinat and Konfreres. It is not something they can not...

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Reply to Msg 23027

Dear Pinchinat and Konfreres.

It is not something they can not do, but I am very skeptical about it.For that reason only (reducing).

We must develop a solid culture based on the ways and customs.

The apostles of the free market have forced the government past and present since 1986 to yield their role, the laissez faire system, the Global Market will converse fully and produce greater stability.

That claim looks increasing by affected against the last 22 years (1986 to present) of instability and recurring crisis, by the Breton Wood's Commissions reform.

That is: the government cedes control over their domestic economic policies, bridges and interest rates growth and unemployment to international supervision.

The FMI has bully the Haitians government into adopting austerity budgets, cutting wages and social spending.

Political impassive if the fused with economic separation.

Haiti is trapped between two stages of history as it stumbles towards some sort of disastrous event that smash confidence.

A plausible alternative to catastrophe is for the people, the Haitians to co fraternize, to reclaim power and responsibility from manic investors in the market place to restore political controls over capital and finance.

That is, the responsible imperative of history is for the Haitians government to find the courage to interfere before it is too late. Reforms that simply stabilize the present system by reducing the most visible risk. The Haitian government ought not to be expected to accept the new international order because it holds no promise of benefit to its economic conditions, and it does nothing to ameliorate the insecurities.

Charlot Charlemagne
Gros-Morne Artibonite
konfraternite at

Charlot Charlemagne, July 11 2010, 8:12 AM

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Dear Pinchinat and Konfreres. It is not something they can not do, but I am very skeptical about it.For that reason... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 11-Jul-10 8:12 am


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