Haitians Will Be Rejected Worldwide For Its Rate of Homosexuality (USA)

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The United States Is Exporting Its Gay Culture Worldwide
In the next two decades in Haiti, Haitians should be prepared to deal with the homosexual threat.

The United States has sent so many gays to serve in Haiti in order to spread the gay culture as it is new to our Haitian culture.

The American Red Cross members are the ones that are administering the secret gay genes as called "anti-chromosome gene" through vaccinations to any new born to become gays in the next two decades in Haiti.

No one is born gay, but if a new born is administered the anti-chromosome gene to decrease his real amount of chromosomes that person will become gay later.

It depends of the sex and the amount of anti-chromosome gene administered that person could be bisexual or straight gay too. Normal people have a chromosome parity of 70% of your sex gene and 30% of the opposite sex gene that makes you stay heterosexual and not homosexual.

However, the anti-chromosome gene is to destroy the the 30% of the opposite sex gene. Beware, the new threat for 2030 will be homosexuality that we will have to deal with. It will be the legacy of the Americans and other foreigners in Haiti now. Later, we will try to kill those new Haitians for their homosexual lifestyle and that will be unfair to them, for they had not chosen that lifestyle.

It is the right time now to stand up and denounce the importation of this threat in Haiti.

We should tell the parents of any new born in Haiti that in the next two decades that they will be dealing with homosexual children, for they do not know what their new born has received through the vaccines administered too that new born. America as an upside down country is destroying all cultures around the world by exporting its gayness culture to all. Beware and act before it is too late...

Pinchinat, July 11 2010, 6:27 AM

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