Haiti deserve a seconde chance

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I agree with all the comment made on preval blog a hundred procent about returning the former president from exiled, haitian we are to blame for own problem, it time to take our destiny into our own hands for we had been suffering for to long, haiti cherie deserve a seconde chance we had to let that happen.

I agree for the return of the two former president, since both of them are very popular within the country two of them had a lot of chance to change haiti for good but that did not happen.The are not perfect the make mistake mistake that could have been avoid I am a haitian a hundred procent I wiil like to see my country change fo good returning the two former president will bring justice and pride to all haitian also to lavalas familly party.

Aristide has a lot of experienced he can work to make things better in the country.

I hope he can control his party and work for the grace of unity.

haiti deserve a shance we had been left behind for to long .Jean claude has no problem with haiti I heard him apologised many time that mean he is sorry fo what he did I felt jean claude felt so much for the country even in exiled the problem with haiti we never forgive and forget we keep hatred into our mind he is talking how much he want to change things in the country Jean claude was not such a bad president because of the people his father left which he has no control over them he was not responsible for everything that happen he admit it when he is talking about haiti we need to forget the pass and move forward to give our former president a second chance check the situation in haiti right now the country is in a serious mess it need a leader to lead it so that haiti will have a new beginning and pride will be restored, the two former president could work to make haiti great since both of them are very popular within the country if the could work together the could bring change and justice and pride will be restored vive Jean claude the next president for 5 year and vive aristide le nouveau premier ministre dhaiti Let give haiti a fresh start A new beginning let raise the haitian flag very high so that one day, we all will be proud to be haitian that what our ancestor fought for we should be proud of it we did something good for our beloved country one day we all could go back home and help rebuilt division is no more existed we had been fighting for to long now is the time for unity when we all gone we can tell our children what we did for our country let give our country a chance so that our children might enjoy the fruit of liberty.

thank you very much.

Emmeycenatus, March 7 2010, 10:39 PM

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Cenatus, je suis d'accord avec vous ce sont nos elites locales qu'il faut blamer d'abord et la communaute... read more >
Gilberthe, 7-Mar-10 10:59 pm


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