Rebuilding Haiti, the Right Way

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Dear President Preval,

My company, GreenBuilt, Inc, manufactures an energy efficient Pre-Insulated Steel Framing Systems for commercial and residential buildings.

We are interested in helping to rebuild Haiti, the right way; however, we don't have any contacts to help us help Haiti.

I realize the first focus will be for the shelter/ temporary housing needs.

We can help with this as well as permanent housing also. Our panels provide a lot of opportunities for Haiti such as exceptional strength, super efficient, and are very light weight.

A 1, 000sf home with 3 unskilled and 1 skilled labor would be completed in 1 day. Therefore, we believe this would provide for an excellent opportunity for Haiti as they need shelter now and a more sustainable way of building for the future.

We are also willing to open a factory there, train Haitians workers on the manufacturing process and the installation of the products, so that they can start to rebuild their economy while they rebuilt their country.

We want to help them but we don't know how. Can you help us to get in contact with the person or agency that is in charge of the temporary housing efforts for Haiti?

I know Hurricane season for Haiti is not far away so I feel these housing efforts should start now.

We are registered with Center for International Disaster Information, and we complete the Commodity Available Registration form. I can have a representative go to Haiti if it is necessary however, I think for the most part, we should be able to open a dialog with someone in the US. I just don't know who to contact.

In closing, any information you or anyone else can provide to me about who I should contact regarding Haiti's shelter, temporary housing, and or other building needs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Our website is or you can reach me by phone (239) 826-2888 or email at DerekR at

Derek Runion, March 4 2010, 12:19 PM

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