Absolutely!my husband is from haiti and i totally agree!we...

Equasia says...

absolutely!my husband is from haiti and i totally agree!we must put the ppl from city of soleil first in housing, provide them with food and healthcare.

we are ppl just like them and i will help and try to get other ppl to help as well to stop ppl from living in these kinds of condition.

in order to have tourists visiting from other countries we must be free of deseases and infections.

we can all help and make a difference!we are the world!god bless yall, my name is equasia and i hope you make a difference too!

The topic is: Development of City Soleil
This is a reply to Msg 6100
Posted by Equasia on December 11 2009 at 12:24 PM

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absolutely!my husband is from haiti and i totally agree!we must put the ppl from city of soleil first in housing,provide them with food and healthcare.we are ppl just like them and i will help and try to get other ppl to help as well to stop ppl fro > >
Equasia, 11-Dec-09 12:24 pm
bravo equasia, surely youare a good person, so is your housband, you speak good you are right in what you say. CITE SOLEIL can change if we change our mentality > >
El Caribeno, 11-Dec-09 1:06 pm
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