haiti's future

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I think, the best for Haitian poeple, to continue in this way of progress, stability and development, the United Nation keeping force must stay there for minimun 25 years again to accompany the haitian leaders a way to force them to take the way of democracie, a way to make them inter in the culture of democracie, to change their mentality.


This people is fed up suffering, the United Nation kan not afford letting this people suffering since 200 years of miseries beacause of their own leaders who never understand how to manage a country, a nation, the only way for them to arrive at a certain level of live in their country is being in the power or taking it by violence and fraude.And when they are in the pawer, the don't want to let it to an other one. this mentality is always the cause of violence in this poor caribean country that makes this poeple so poor, we are sur afer that this keeping force leaves the country, there will be again political violence and turmoil and all what is done will be distroyed again, for this reazon we the association of caribean youth from Bahamas, Dominican Rep. Trinidad ans tobago and so on we plan to make a request to United Nation to to let the UN military keeping force to keep accompaning this poeple por minimum 25 years again for benefits of this country, we won't accepte any more to see haitian people falling back again in political violence, any way in the case of that the UN keeping force leaves the country, il will come back after couple years.

But if that must happen, it will not with out effect: those leaders will be arrested, judged and put in jail

El Caribeno, May 16 2009, 8:14 AM

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