Re:Montresor A La Presidence in 2011

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My fellow Haitians,

What does chickens and eagles got to do with the Presidency?

As a boy I was given the responsibility to raise and take care of some chickens, and this was my chore in order to get my weekly allowance.

As we all know chickens and eagles are in the bird family.

So after arriving in the United States someone told me two bird stories that are connected with my childhood questionnaire, and I am going to share the stories with you!

"A bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bushes"

While the quotation is true and accurate I still puzzle on the question whether or not there could be another possibility and/or options that hasn't yet been explored...

Then I realized practical actions where never offered as part of the quotation because this quotation is based on logical philosophy.

For instance it would be practically wise to get rid of two weak, lazy birds in your hand in replacement of one powerful strong bird with much greater value even if there is no guarantee of catching one in the bushes because just the idea of the name eagle makes it valuable and worth taking the risk.

Who knows what the future holds.

Maybe you possess enough faith to call in and command an eagle to land in your hands like I do.

I remember as a kid I often couldn't wait to give my mom the laziest and most unproductive chicken of the bunch to cook for dinner.


Because this chicken ate all my son-de-ble and corn seeds and pitimi, but never gave or hatched an egg.

To conclude my points I'll say if the bird (chicken) that's in your hand isn't productive get rid of it ASAP.
My name is Montresor (eagle) and I believe that I am an eagle and I can fly like an eagle and I am worth you taking the risk by getting rid of the chicken in Haiti in 2011. "Birds of a feather flock togther." Are you going to become Eagles and fly high with me or the chicken my mom cooks for dinner?

God Bless!
Montresor2011 at
Please send your contributions to:
Montresor A la Presidence
216 N Main
Sand Springs, Ok 74063

Montresor 2011, November 13 2008, 12:13 PM

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