David, You just prooved that you really don't know crap. Did...

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Reply to Msg 11557


You just prooved that you really don't know crap. Did you say that "cement block" is called "block" in creole, and "brick" in English?

You can't be serious, are you?

David, sorry to disappoint you, my friend.

For your information only, block or cement block and brick are two different construction materials.

You can pick up a brick with just one hand and even put it in your porket.

Brick is a small red rectangular object use in building constructions.

A cement block, on the hand, is 100 times bigger and requires, most of the time, 2 hands to pick it up. Brick is not made with cement, but block does, and this is why it's called "cement block."

Second, I made the comparison with US to give you a more understanding about the usage of bricks and cement blocks in constructions, since I know Haitians are proned to use US system as their guide to criticise Haiti about everything.

Third, I don't see the role of the constructor drinking problem plays in this tragedy.

Regardless whether the constructor was drunk or sober, the tragedy would not have happened if Haiti had a building code law and was inforced.

I suspect that you don't understand what a building code law is and therfore allow me to give you just a small information about it.

For example, here in the US, in order to build a house/home/building you must first have a permit for that. You must give information to city hall or to the county clerk office about the house/home/building you want to build such as: the size, the square footage, if it is a two-story, the number of rooms, etc...

the city then has to do an inspection of the parcel you are about to build on. The foundation must be build at a certain standards depending on the size of the house/home/building you are building.

Once the foundation is built, you cannot do anything else but to wait for the building inspector to come and inspect the foundation to make sure that you have followed the building code law. After the inspection, the building inspector will give the okay to continue the work only if the foundation passes inspection.

There are a lot of other regulations to follow in construction in the US that I cannot go through right now. This is what building/housing construction code/law is. In US a house/home/building that doesn't meet the housing construction laws, either the city or the county will have you tare it down.

What I am saying is that Haiti doesn't have these laws in place and if there were, they are not enforced.

I was born and grew up in Haiti.

I only came to US when I was an adult, so I know my little hellish country very very well. We all know that 99% of all houses/homes/building built in Haiti are/were built by the owners who were not/are not engineers, and who know nothing about housing constrcution.

And yes, I said there are more of this tragedy to come because of the flaws that existe in building construction in Haiti.

Tiba, November 11 2008, 7:17 PM


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Yes you are right my crap book is over flowing and that is why i am answering you. do not compare Haiti to the... read more >
Dady, 11-Nov-08 12:56 pm
David, You just prooved that you really don't know crap. Did you say that "cement block" is called "block" in creole... read more >
Tiba, 11-Nov-08 7:17 pm
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Rintintin, 12-Nov-08 8:13 am


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