B E - Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by B E
(Page 4 of 74)

Tragically bestial men rape infants all over the world all too...

Tragically bestial men rape infants all over the world all too frequently. In Peru recently a 22 year old farm laborer... more »

Nous devons leur demander des comptes comme le peuple Lybien...

Nous devons leur demander des comptes comme le peuple Lybien demande des comptes a Ghaddafi. more »

Voodoo sex ceremony spawns fatal fire, officials say

By the CNN Wire StaffFebruary 25, 2011 7:08 p.m. EST STORY HIGHLIGHTS Candles used in ceremony caused a fatal five... more »

Demande d'une bourse d'etude

Objet: demande d'une bourse d'etude pour la medecine Cher President..., Je tiens a vous feliciter pour ton excellent... more »

Demande d'une bourse d'etude

Objet: demande d'une bourse d'etude pour la medecine Cher President..., Je tiens a vous feliciter pour ton excellent... more »

Why are you mad? First of all Alaskan water is under the...

Why are you mad? First of all Alaskan water is under the glaciers and has no chemicals in it. Once tasted, you will... more »

Are you kidding me Alaka Water is the last water that has not...

Are you kidding me Alaka Water is the last water that has not been polluted and is pristine. You should be grateful... more »

Marge, Your father gave a great lesson for us all! I think you...

Marge, Your father gave a great lesson for us all! I think you are wrong about immigrants from Latin America not... more »

What I saw of career military when I was in the US navy, I...

What I saw of career military when I was in the US navy, I don't think they need to run the US or Haiti either one. US... more »

Rooster, You know what I meant, why are you playing dumb? The...

Rooster, You know what I meant, why are you playing dumb? The White Supremacists trade marks are bald headed, black... more »

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