Haitians or dominicans i have a question. does ha

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Brother ! it is not a problem of being Dominican or Haitian, mulatos, white or black, the problem is a question of undevelopment of this part of the island, give the name you want to give, the people who are living in the west part in that land must stop lying to themselves, to other people and to God, Ils doivent arreter de peter beaucoup, beaucoup plus haut que leur derriere.Now !
my question is: do you think the Dominican people are responsible of the ugly condition of the Haitian people?

Other question: what do you think if Haiti were in the economical and social position of Dominican Rep., Haitians would do do better toward the Dominican?

Whatever the answer, I kan tell you :portugal, Spain ( just an example) are today European at the same stage or level with German, or neerlandais, But 20 years before, they were not, Portugal or Spain have made effort in all domein.

But, until now, Haiti et les Haitiens se presentent toujours comme Les Dominicans disent dans leur presse locale: Haiti, pais caribeno conflictivo,ça veut Haiti est pays problematic, meme s'il n'ya pas de problemes, ils vont eu=meme creer le probleme, comme ça il ya toujours probleme, and all that push the country back years after years.

pour les Haitiens, le premier ministre tombé, c'est rien, pour le monde exterieur, c'est une crise politique non pacifique, et cela n'at-il pas de consequense?

Jojo, April 15 2008, 12:31 PM

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