combite for a new haiti

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Mr. President.

I take the time to send you this message because I, along with many others who live on the outside of our dear motherland, appreciate the genuine efforts that you have made (and continuously making) in order to elevate the prestige of this great nation of ours, Haiti.

As a Haitian American(now a naturalized US citizen), I am very well aware of the difficulties that you are facing on a daily basis, dealing with a nation that we all love, but also a people that is extremely difficult to manage.

I sincerely believe that your intent, as the first citizen of Haiti, is a noble one, Being sincere in my assessment, I must note that I also believe that the level of difficulty that exist in the ingovernability of the country may be linked to the level of administrative incompetence, the lack of discipline, and also a "non-concern" attitude of many of those who comprise the "GOVERNMENT", THE MINISTERS who are in leadership positions and many of whom are lacking in their given responsibilities.

It is inconceivable to many of us in the diaspora, who have served as either administrators or professionals to accept this lack of service to the people of this nation as other than what I have noted above.

After spending most of my productive life, serving a nation,"The USA", that has afforded me many opportunities, I now have the thirst to give the remainder of productive life and experience to my beloved country.

If I may be of service to our country, please send me a reply at the email address shown below.

Sincerely Yours

Yves Mothersil, January 28 2008, 10:53 AM

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