Transportation and communication development Haiti

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President Preval Haiti needs better roads for the transportation and communication which is a primordial necessity for the commercial development.

Make this year, the year of social mobilisation in Haiti.

All the departments in Haiti, North, South, Nord Ouest, Artibonite, etc. need buses like the one in NY to transport its people from town to town. This will create employment for the drivers, the mecanics,.

There should be School of Mecanics in every Department so the haitian people learn how to fix a car and how to drive a car. There should be a Car sales dealer in every department to help people to afford a car as long as they are working.

Every department needs a Telephone company sellling cell phones and public phones must be installed in the supermakets, in the schools, in the hospitals, in the streets to facilitate communication with each others.

The peasants can even sell their cows to buy a Toyota, a Chevrolet, a Ford so they can transport their crops to the market for a better nutrition of the citizens of Haiti.

The peasants needs at least a monthly meeting with the Agronome of their county to discuss the possibility of selling their milk by gallons such as Cuba, or the USA. In Haiti, there are many sources with good pure water.

Haiti could hire a scientist to purify the water from the sources and make millions yearly and open new way of employments for the haitian people by selling our pure water.

Scientifically, Haiti is rich but the Haitian people do not what to do with its resources.

Therefore Haiti needs to buy technology to develop in the sciences.

There should be a Committee pour the development de la science In Haiti.

We need to ask the Venezuela President Chavez to teach us how to use our corn to make the Ethanol as gas for our car, not only buy their Ethanol.

We need to learn how to make Ethanol for our cars. This year, Haiti needs to buy a better boat like the boats who are going to Staten Island.

Each Department needs a boat to go to La Gonave every day., to go to Jeremy every day, to go to LaTortue every day, strong boat to travel the sea, to transport the goods
the merchandise every day, not only sometimes.

Jimmy D. Unelus, January 5 2008, 7:41 PM

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