Advice to president Rene Preval

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Mr President, I would like to remind you that the departure of Jean Claude Duvalier since 1986 has been creating so much greed and selfishness among the haitian political elite.

This has brought Haiti directly to a chaotic phase in every aspect.

Since then lots of jobs have left the Country, our money has been depraciating face to the US dollar and the Dominican perso.

The peasants had sold their land in order to flee the Country cause of the invasion of the foreign products.

Education has become a luxury, so the poor (the mass) cannot afford it. Haiti's sons and daughters who have knowledge and skills necessary to help build and develop the Country are now living abroad because of ongoing violence.

Indeed lack of education is the main source of all Haiti's turmoil.

Thus the situation in Haiti is very chaotic and needs some leadership.

I think as a president you need to quickly work together diligently with all the sectors to find a common ground among different sectors in the Country including the diaspora to pull Haiti out of the chaotic phase to a problematic one, from there we will start fiding solution together for each problem the Country is going through.

Mr. President if you build more schools and make education a priority of your government by providing free basic education for every child in Haiti, meaning from kindergaten to philosophy, this will solve most of Haiti's turmoil.

And we will have a better society.

If you can accomplish this great task, you will be the greatest haitian president in our history and a model for others to follow.

Jean Joseph, August 16 2007, 1:15 PM

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