United Nations Should have an urgent plan of Action Against Cholera In Hait

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The world should concern about this epidemiologie that hits Haiti terribly, and it is the responsibility of the UN to investigate the germ of this bacteria and where does it come from and who brought it in Haiti.

According to history, this land had never have this infection for the past two hundreds years; sudently this virus and bacteria started killing hundreds of people with rumours accusing the Minustha of being the initial target.

Haiti is a sandal pye wherea all the bare foot get to clean their dirt; many can think why it is always Haiti and its Citizens who have been the target?

Unites Nations shall investigate its Staffs to make sure the disease is not from the orignal of their recruters, so the people can return to their normalities.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Has a duty to assure the safety and health of the people.

In Cap Haitian, people are dying because they have requested the departure of the Minustha.

Haitian should never get killed by any forces for asking them to leave their country.

They fought for it and won it since 1804. Haitian people can still doing it again even in their last breath.

Yes they can get rid of these sellers' Country: Such as Preval, Aristide, Duvalier, and Minustha itself.

Stop killing the people.

Please stop this cholera wherever it comes from. Stop it now not tomorrow, but it shall be now for the better of these people.

Rev. Dr. Dumaine, November 22 2010, 11:12 AM

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