Preval - Haïti people

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René Préval

I want you to remember.

In those years you spend in Costa Rica (close to Panama), you enjoyed your time, relaxed / waiting for others to act,
while some important facts happened in front of your eyes - which didn't concerned Haïti - yet, you were there, spending some nites with me.

This New Years Eve, I intervened, had the gun of that policeman pointed at me,
that guy shooting twice at me (or 3 times?


while I was only trying to stop brutal police acts over a young mentally sick girl,
letting her breathe in the same time
at the costs of my freedom & respect of democratic rights

Can you remember your times & me in Costa Rica, Monsieur René Préval?

- while now, the fight against CHOLERA should point at your energetic decision

Im ashamed to see what is done with our international financial helps
Im ashamed to see what few affords are accomplished on your side
Im ashamed to se what you do with all that was granted to you, for your start.

Working with helping Burmese / eh..

knowing how fund raising, fundations etc works,
believe it: Im / never was ready to job with maffias.

I remain filled with shame, to have met you
knowing some others, as famous but as stupid as you such as these junkies (.-)
Miami oblige...

Donner de l'argent en 2010
et, sans être angélique
Ne pas voir où va l'argent,
mais voir les dégâts de l'absence de cet argent

Corruption oblige:
notre argent, destiné à l'aide, n'a servit à enrichir quel corrompu?

Choléra oblige.


Ebruhin, November 21 2010, 1:47 PM

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