Third World Countries' Elites Are Creepy and Crook People

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Many of you are good in accusing Haiti's economic, political and intellectual elites, but you never take a time to draw comparisons between Haiti's elites and the Third World Elites.

For sure, the Third World elites are the new European colonizers that will manage poverty forever on behalf of the poor in the Third World countries excerpt Cuba and Venezuela.

Third World elites are poverty pimp managers whether they are educated or not. Economic and social revolutions if financed by other free and developed countries can free Third World citizens from oppression, socio-injustices, discrimination and poverty at all levels in their societies.

We cannot change Haiti without a drastic economic and social revolution.

Who will finance that revolution and how can we get it achieved without bloodshed events.

Haiti has a bourgeoisie problem that needs to be overthrown to liberate the poor from economic oppression and socio-injustices.

For instance, a crook like Mevs that has accumulated most of Haiti's wealth under his authority should not exist within the Haitian society.

Mevs and other rich people in Haiti want all Haitian citizens to eat mud cakes to make a living.

They know how to poison, kill and corrupt all good leaders that want to develop Haiti.

Look at what Mevs did with Aristide.

He was the one to prevent Aristide from implementing all the contracts he signed with the United States at the Governors' Island.

Where is Aristide and where is Mevs?

Indeed, he retained the monopoly over the Haitian market and many Haitian political leaders have to live in Exile.

Haiti is due for a second revolution to change things around.

We must overthrow those corruptors to liberate Haiti and change Haiti's face. Haiti has no leadership problem, but the elites of Haiti are the problems.

This is a structural problem that we need to solve to free Haiti from its oppressors.

Mevs, Brandt, Saliba, Castera, Beaussan, Brown, Baker, Flambert, Vitiello, Accra, Biggio, Delatour and others are the oppressors of all Haitians.

They are not investors, but they they are mercenaries and racketeerian elites.

They are the corruptors and the vermines of the Haitian society.

We should rebel and overthrow the corrupted Haitian elites...

Douyon Y., July 5 2010, 10:19 PM

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This article has the imprint of Dessaline the revenger. read more >
Lalanne, 5-Jul-10 10:50 pm


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