Haiti's Dilemma: Fighting Corrupted Arab Elites In Haiti

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Many people argue on this blog Haiti does not have a bourgeoisie nor an elite.

They argue that Haiti has a bunch of contrebandiers and mercenaries that will never defend Haiti's interests.

They continue to say that all of them are crooks whether they are old mulatto aristocracy, petite bourgeoisie, grand bourgeoisie and brown elites.

But I would love to say this the brown elites are worst than any of the previous groups.

With the brown elites of the Middle East, Haiti became the poorest country on earth and not one of the poorest countries on earth.

With the brown elites in Haiti we will have suicide bombers soon, for they are terrorists and they are related to Ben Laden family.

People argue that Haiti has no Jews, but do you think that the Jews will develop Haiti?

Why should we attract Jews in Haiti?

I think this is not a good idea, for they will come to fight the Arabs there and Haiti will become the new Palestine in the Caribbean Sea. Can we be ourselves?

Other people argue that Haitians are bare life people and they only live to feed themselves and nothing else. How can we develop a country when its inhabitants only rely on food to feed themselves and nothing else. We should not blame Haitians for being lazy; the Brown Elites of Haiti are responsible for that. Arabs in Haiti are crooks and Haiti cannot expect more. The curse of the middle eastern people will not solve Haiti's problems.

Israel should destroy Hamas so those Arab terrorists in Haiti could return to their homeland.

I know they love stealing and corrupting others.

They must leave for Haiti to breathe fresh air. They cannot continue to pollute our native land anymore with drug businesses, kidnappings and political assassinations.

The Arab elites killed too many good mulattoes in Haiti to keep the Duvalierists in power and they want the last remnant of the Duvaliers to come back to power to lead again.

That will not happen under my watch.

Arab elites are crooks and if we want to end their children' drug businesses and kidnappings in Haiti we should kick off their asses.

Arabs in Haiti are kidnappers and drug traffickers and we fight them to death to liberate Haiti...

Dessalines The Avenger, April 18 2010, 7:56 PM

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