I agree with you in part about the need for a new...

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Reply to Msg 12009

I agree with you in part about the need for a new generation of young people to emerge into Haitian politics and get rid of all the old, tired, braind dead politicians who have been dragging Haiti down the toilet in the past decades.

However, if you think an Havard graduate, a Ph.D, a brain surgeon, or a rocket scientist is what's needed to take Haiti to the promised land, well, sory to tell you my frined, you are gravely mistaken.

Often times, I get very agitated when I hear Haitians keep referring to college degrees as the magic bulet one needs to save Haiti from the grips of the wolves.

It proves the naivity and lack of connection with reality for anyone to believe that nonsense rethoric.

Last time I checked, all of these people who have ruled/governed and those who are currently rulling/governing Haiti, do have college degrees, and what exactly have they accomplished?


Let see, Duvalier (Papa Doc) was a doctor, Jean-Claude Duvalier was a college graduate, Sedras was a college graduate, Aristide is considered amongst Haitian scholar circle, Latorture was a big time college professor in Miami, and lastly, Preval is known to have his college education in Belgium.

Preval is also known to be an agronomist.

When you look at all of these past and present so-called leaders, they all share the same common traits, which are: Incompetence & Mediocrity.

So you see my friend, having a college degree doesn't mean squart without the competence, the know-how, and the wisdom required to govern.

What Haiti needs is a leader with competence, the know-how, the love for his country, and the wisdom to get things moving, and not another so-called college graduate who is going to spend must of his/her time giving long fancy speeches, pour faire etalage de connaisance, but cannot accomplish anything for the country and for the people.

That's exactly what Aristide was doing!

Please understand that I am not against people with college degrees because I am one of those people with a college degree too.

My point is, to think and believe that only someone with a college degree that will save Haiti is idiotic, moronic, naive, and foolishly nonsense.

In governance/administrating, if you don't have the competence, the know-how, and the wisdom, it doesn't matter how well educated you are. Got it?

Oh, one last note! Obama did not get elected president of the United Stated because he is an Harvard law graduate, but rather on his competence, the know-how, and on the proof of his good judgment(wisdom) to govern.

Of course, his intellectual capacity does play a role, but not "the" only or the main element for his victory.

Got it?

Tiba, November 27 2008, 11:55 AM

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Messages in this topic I agree with you in part about the need for a new generation of young people to emerge into Haitian politics... read more >
Tiba, 27-Nov-08 11:55 am


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