message from astre leoganeto preval

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goodmorning Mr president Preval I am very concerning about the situation of the gross population control where in leogane the population left by himself where the criminal do what ever they want to do so for the reason the office national of cityzen protection ask the government haiti to tide his pants a little bit more stong than it is rigthnow because the peoples amusing of doing clandestine acts where the polices national cannot do any thing about so for this reason we ask the autority to wake up and try to get control of the banditists in the regions the apart of the city if you looking at the situation of the peoples in the areas where there no security in the campagnards zones where peoples are cuting heads of the innocent persons who dont have nothing to do of what happen in the country concerning the bad gestion in the government's activity like right now we dont have no maire pricipal in leogane since the arrestation of the magistrat Santos Alexis so the city stay at himself where all the street full of waters and muds which create a big problem for the kids who have to cross the raods to comes to the schoolin the morning specially when a little rain fall

Astre Francois, November 19 2008, 11:40 AM

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