Haitian Diaspora Remittances reach 1.8 billions US

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Alleluia.1.8 billions US dollars is almost 5 times more than what the whole international community pledges to Haiti each year in financial aids. I have heard people organized conference upon conference both at home and abroad for the past decade or so seeking the best method to make these remittances from the Diaspora benefit Haiti.

I would assume they have not found the best method yet since another conference has been held at Port-au-Prince recently with participation from members of the Diaspora eager to invest at home. Maybe the right people are not getting involved here. I truly believe there must a way to make 1.8 billions boost the stagnant Haitian economy and create lasting jobs. We need a sustainable plan not just a laundry list of unproven ideas or a myriad of suggestions to the sitting Haitian government; a plan that every patriotic Haitian can partake.

A plan that is easy to follow and even easier to get out of. Let us work together.

Kudos to all the hard working Haitians in the Diaspora who are keeping Haiti afloat; you are Haiti's last hope.

welcome to the revolution
viva Haiti

Rubens F. Titus, March 17 2008, 1:53 AM

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