Sarkzy Visit?Get to know your ENNEMY well France

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May I remind everybody that the Gaulois the ancient name of the French who were considered Barbarians, under a chieftain named Brennus at the head of a large army have sacked Rome (a nice word for murder and pillage) Circa 390 BC and brought down the entire Roman empire.

The Gaulois practiced a form of animism ascribing human characteristics to lakes, streams, mountains, and other natural features and granting them a quasi-divine status.

Also, worship of animals was not uncommon; the animal most sacred to the Gaulois was the boar (a Pig), which can be found on many Gallic military standards.

The Gaulois system of gods and goddesses was loose, there being certain deities which virtually every Gallic person worshiped, as well as tribal and household gods. Many of the major gods were related to Greek gods; the primary god worshiped was Teutates the Gallic equivalent of the god Mercury.

The "father god" in Gallic worship was "Dis Pater," who could be assigned the Roman name Saturn.

However there was no real theology, just a set of related and evolving traditions of worship.

The name France originated from the Franks, a Germanic tribe that occupied the region after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The borders of modern France are roughly the same as those of ancient Gaul, which was inhabited by Celtic Gauls.

Gaul was conquered by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC, and the Gauls eventually adopted Roman speech (Latin, which evolved into the French language) and Roman culture.

Four basic European ethnic stocks - pre-Celtic, Celtic (Gallic and Breton), Latin, and Germanic (Franks, Visigoths, Burgundians, Vikings) - have blended over the centuries to make up the French present population.

France is the third most populous country of Europe, behind Russia and Germany.

France's natural population growth is 64.3 million, (excluding immigration).

France's population of foreign origin is 5 million (an official total).

Military: The French armed forces are divided into four branches:
• Army (Armée de Terre)
• Navy (Marine Nationale)
• Air Force (Armée de l'Air)
• Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Nationale), a military police force which serves for the most part as a rural and general purpose police force.

About 10% of France's defence budget goes toward its force de frappe, or nuclear weapons.

A member of the G8 group of leading industrialized countries, it ranked as the fifth-largest economy in the world in 2004, behind the United States, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

With over 75 million foreign tourists per year, France is ranked as the first tourist destination in the world.

France has an important aerospace industry Centre Spatial Guyanais(Located in the American continent (French Guinee, Latin America)
The sole official language of France is French, according to Article 2 of the Constitution since 1992. However, several regional languages (including Alsatian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Corsican, Dutch, Franco-Provençal dialects, Gascon, Lorraine German dialect, Norman, Occitan, and some Oïl dialects - e.g., Picard) are also occasionally understood and spoken, mostly by elderly people.

All Haitiansshould know this:
France's immigrant population has diverse origins.

However, France is a country which counts as one of the defining moments in her history the repulsion of the Arabs in Poitiers in 732 CE. To play on fears of a beur (Arab) or (Islamic) is never difficult It is done by the French while proclaiming they are not racists.

The Arabs are not the only ones to feel they are not always treated fairly.

In 2006, some black militants founded the Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires..

Their main grievances are lack of respect (24%), verbal abuse, and discrimination; the last experienced when looking for housing and jobs, during police ID checks (23%), and in dealing with public services (22%).

This depth of malaise affect not only recent immigrants but also blacks Caribbeans who are French citizens.

Nicolas Sarkozy the current French president call immigrants racaille (scum) of foreign origin.

Now, Nicolas Sarkozy who since 2003 has been responsible for two bills to restrict immigration, the second of which passed into law in July 2006 is advocating a "selective" system of immigration, which he wants to tailored to the needs of the country as he sees them. In exchange for tighter cooperation with Africa's "departing" countries,( All blacks and Arabs) he has promised more financial incentives for illegal immigrants(sometimes borderline language against those sans papiers without proper documents) to return home and an increase in economic aid to African countries (though the money offered is only a drop in the sea).

Sarkozy ( who I call CacaZy) wants La France aux Français although he is a descendant of immigrants from Greece himself.

Know your enemy!

Flo, October 5 2007, 2:29 PM

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