Top ten things I would like to ask the haitian gov

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#10. Why is there only one "functioning" post office in the whole country?

#9. During my years of travel all over the world, I have never seen a country with only one international airport.

Have you?

#8. Is there really one public institution that is well managed?

#7. How many megawatts EDH has now?

#6. When are going to have jobs in Haiti?

#5. Does the government really have a plan about tourism, the environment, corruption, job creation and so on or is it just paying lip service to these issues?

#4. When are we going to stop begging other countries?

#3. Why are Haitians investing anywhere else but in their own country?

#2. When is credit going to be available to all Haitians in the country?

#1. Is there still hope for Haiti or everyone should start "nagez pou nou soti"?

Max Johnson Fgb, August 8 2007, 9:47 AM

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