Interest of the Government of the Republic of Haiti (English)

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Recently completed is a document entitled "A Means to Provide a Continual Source of Drinkable Water to the Republic of Haiti" that will be submitted to the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) for consideration.

The purpose of this document is to describe a system that will provide a continual source of water to the population of Haiti, and thereby help prevent deaths and sicknesses that are caused by waterborne diseases (e.g. amoebiasis, campylobacteriosis and cholera), which has been on the rise following the 2010 Haiti earthquake; this earthquake is responsible for approximately 222,570 deaths and 300,000 injuries, and the occurring tsunami is responsible for seven deaths within Haiti.

It is hoped that this document will be of great interest to the government of the Republic of Haiti, which has observed a cholera outbreak, as a means to provide a continual source of clean drinking water to its population; as of December 6, 2010 the cholera outbreak has killed 2,193 persons and has hospitalized 46,749 persons.

Is there a desire by a branch of government of the Republic of Haiti to receive this document, such that the government of the Republic of Haiti will come to know the benefits of the proposed system that will improve conditions in Haiti?

If so, please respond to this message; see my e-mail address below.

Please provide the recipient's name, the recipient's position, the recipient's e-mail address and the recipient's phone number.

This document will be e-mailed.

I would like to thank you for considering the contents of this message.

Timothy M. Young
E-mail: timothymyoung at
United States of America

Timothy M. Young, December 20 2010, 1:18 AM

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