keep an eye on universitie's functionning

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President Preval, I know you have a lot of problems over your head, but I think one day you will ask yourself this question: how Haiti will be in 10 years?

On my view education is the only way to solve Haitian problems.

I suggest you to emphasize on reinforcing partneship public/private sector.

Who can provide jobs?

who have enterprises?

who could sponsor research in Haiti?

The private and public can do that together.

If the private sector is not involve in the education system in proposing best curriculum which could match with their need we are done for rebuilding Haiti.

I agree with what you are doing with some institutions like Teleco etc. On the other hand, it's not enough to just give money to people.

I would suggest to create job outside of Port-au-Prince which will allow some people to come back to their native area.

Garry Delice, July 17 2007, 10:36 AM

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