the mobilization of youth will be profitable for the country

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Implementing programs for the construction of new regional cities will depend primarily on the mobilization of young people must commit to their future.

But the organized sectors of the country will also intervene.

This applies to the private sector and business associations, workers associations and unions, the State University of Haiti as an entity responsible for academic university, municipal associations and mayors; parliamentarians and the parliament should pass laws related to the establishment of such vast projects.

Therefore, all sectors who want to commit to the stability and development of the country will have a role in these programs.

Because the impact of the international economic crisis, added to unemployment in the majority of the population, represent a danger for everyone if the situation explodes.

The activities related to regional development will represent an important source of job creation, especially for young people.

They have the ability to provide more than 150.000 occupations which will be defined in the goals, an average of 15,000 jobs a year over 10 years.

These activities will be dominated by the construction of three regional capitals, one in the far north, one in the Deep South and the third in the Grand Center.

The main structures that make those attractive regional capitals, it should include academic and technical, modern medical complex that will offer an international service, sports, parks service technology, retirement villages for the elderly, Tourist villages and towns of moderately priced housing for teachers and employees of public and private sectors that have low wages.

These housing programs are developed in collaboration with the National Insurance Office, to meet the needs of employees.

There will also programs to address the needs of people from all walks of life.
These major construction programs will help reduce the housing crisis in the country and improve the habitat as well. The cost of housing absorbs a very high, sometimes up to 45% of family budget and despite the cost prohibitive, people are too often inadequately housed for their money.

Several factors, such as the imbalance between supply and demand, are responsible for high prices.

Then, construction of housing is expensive.

Inputs which fall in the construction of houses and buildings are expensive and are not available on the market efficiently to take advantage of the production scale.

But the development of an important industry to support the construction should be one positive consequence of these major projects.

Through these activities, the Parliament should also consider passing laws on building height.

For, given the limitations and high cost of housing land in some cities, the building complex of apartments and buildings floor, is one way to reduce the cost of housing in the country experiencing a chronic crisis in this area.
The opening of shipyards for the construction of regional capitals should be done successively.

These programs will require planning and time to mobilize human, technical and financial resources to this great national effort.

To start these programs, financially, it will be the creation of regional funds that I described in the following:


The Villages of Renaissance Third Age
However, the construction activities of important buildings should not be limited to the regional capital cities only. In each department, the opportunity exists to build modern villages to accommodate the Haitians of the diaspora who are at retirement age. The rebirth of villages elderly will be a way, so for the country to say a big thank you to the people who worked very hard over many years to enable the country to survive.

The services offered in these villages also offer opportunities for our youth who will specialize in assisting seniors.

During the interim period under the program of devolution of Port-au-Prince, we inaugurated the construction of 10 administrative complexes, each costing more than $ 1 million to house the decentralized services of the State which are scattered in each department.

In addition to these complexes, the program had also supported the construction of several municipal complex.

These buildings would accommodate local and devolved into a modern and attractive setting, to provide quality service to customers.

Funding for the construction of these complexes were either already available or already disbursed.

In these complexes, hundreds of young professionals fresh out of our universities should be able to make their first experience in public administration.

Still, dreams later returned to the darkness!

Most Haitians who work in the Dominican Republic and Florida are engaged in the construction sector, tourism and agriculture.

They have gained experience and were exposed to high-performing industries in these countries.

It is among them especially that we have to recruit at the beginning, many specialties we need to launch these construction programs.

They will also train youth in the country to facilitate the implementation of several programs simultaneously.

A program to return home will be more possible that the construction sector is idle and the United States and Dominican Republic.

Indeed, as happened with the Dominican Republic which has attracted many talents of our country by launching its construction, if we had a vision and determination to build our country we have here an ideal context for attract talent in the construction sector.

Of course, we must first think to reduce unemployment and create jobs for young people who arrive en masse on the labor market.

But we can not ignore that these programs will also build attractive for talent in the diaspora who have experience and some capital to help revitalize the sites in the country.

The revival of construction in the United States, for example, will take a little time, if a solution is not found by the Obama for resolving problems affecting this sector.

For a list of houses that are for sale on the market exceeds 5 million units, and 30% of owners who want to sell have mortgages higher than the value of their house on the market.

At some point after the disaster of the collapse of the school Nérette which cost the lives of over a hundred kids, the government spoke of the slums and move to correct the mistakes we had tolerated with the burgeoning uncontrolled building for several decades.

The question that must arise when the state has failed in its first sovereign mission to protect the lives of citizens, especially children, is it morally in a position to use force to correct a trend that has tolerated for too long?

If we use such means, we would be discredited.

In fact, a democratic society should use incentive methods to achieve its objectives.

If we want to solve the slum problem, start by building new modern cities.

The construction of regional towns and villages rebirth of Aging meets all the requirements to create jobs for youths.

It will create employment for the design plan. Because it will give work to architects and engineers of all specialties.

Then she'll lay off of work foremen, carpenters, electricians and workers in the field of concrete, hydraulics; jobs for technicians, masonry, welding, metalwork and occupy all specialized workshops.

The laborers and apprentices in all areas will be in demand.

These large projects will attract young people graduating from universities and trade schools.

Budding talents find an opportunity to begin a career and take their first steps.

Industries and services connected to the building will also benefit.

Since activities related to the steel industry, iron, sheet metal, cement.

Manufacturers of cement blocks and bricks of clay and marble will have to serve a wider market.

This will give a renewed working with furniture manufacturers and workshops of artisans who work in the field of interior design, contractors handling and transportation of materials and thousands of laborers.

But this national effort must have clear objectives and measurable results so that resources are used efficiently.

I invite you to read my position on the subject in 1986, by clicking on the link below:


The Mania of Bad Choices

Unfortunately, a lack of vision, the Government has not taken steps to reduce spending and increase investment in communities to increase opportunities for economic recovery in the country.

On the contrary, he tried, preferably, increase the burden on members of the diaspora who work hard to keep the country afloat and enable much of the population does not starve.

Indeed, is this the only way that this government has been found to increase its revenue would add taxes on telephone calls paid by the diaspora and to sell more expensive passports being bought too dear members of the Diaspora?

Does the Diaspora is the dairy cow malleable to thank you?

What the Government proposes to give back to the diaspora that wants to bleed?

Are these funds will support the decentralization?

However, once a consistent policy of decentralization has been implemented, even before it reaches critical mass, the economy begin to recover from the thousands of jobs to be created across the country.

The investment will have a multiplier effect that will invigorate all other sectors.

All these people who earn a salary to go eat, drink, clothing, entertainment, moving from one point to another, and have enough to pay for services.

Once the demand is there, action will be taken to assist young professionals and entrepreneurs who want to offer services, by providing adequate supervision and adequate financing.

For even if financial resources are important, they will not make much sense, if there is not also a favorable business climate and support that encourages the creation and success of new businesses.

Moreover, pending the complementation of the decentralization program, it must initiate a program of decentralization with the objective of facilitating the decentralization requires the election of local assemblies, which should enable the gradual transfer of powers to municipalities that are provided by the 1987 Constitution.

The central government in the context of devolution, will establish offices of its services in local towns nearby provinces of citizens it wants to serve.

A testable hypothesis
Thirty years and more than that, at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), my classmates and I were not all agree on the cause of rapid population growth of the capital.

The fact that Port-au-Prince is a capital city could not explain, in part, why its urbanization was as advanced as compared to other cities and is thus a magnet for the country's population.

However, urbanization was a very relative concept in this case, because much of the population of the capital, lived on the fringes of the city, in dilapidated houses.

No effort was not undertaken to find a solution to the uncontrolled growth of these slums surrounding the main city.
Indeed, the slum population lacked the time and still today, even the minimum.

She lived outside of the urban and enjoyed no service networks that adorn and make urban life pleasant and comfortable.

Slums are not equipped roadway system for garbage collection.

The people walking in stagnant water and stinking in the absence of sewers and passing flow through the muddy streets in the company of pigs, no electricity nor running water ...

It's a drop that Recalls countries practicing apartheid, where two people of different races are, by chance circumstances, forced to share the same territory a country.

Some accused the Duvalier regime have pursued a populist who had caused this problem.

What they meant by that is that for national holidays and during certain political events, the Duvalier (especially the father), inviting farmers to come en masse to the capital to show their support the plan. So much of these farmers do not allocate to the province where they had come. But this was not sufficient to explain the problem and the intensity of the growth of slums.

Moreover, this problem continues, which would mean that there are root causes.

They are still present and still produce the same effects.

What I thought at the time, it is a matter of jobs and lack of opportunities that residents of provincial towns and village districts.

And I still think the same thing.

So, as priority will be given to a policy of concentration for the capital, so the problem will get worse until it is too late and we resulted in catastrophe and gnashing of teeth.

To see my argument on the subject in 1986, click the following link:


However, Professor of Economic Geography of my promotion to the ENS, the French cooperation, Jean-Pierre Pirovano, brought us to investigate the established theories as evidence on the issue of declining towns.

Professor Pirovano was conducted field work with a contract he had found the Texaco to prepare a new map of Haiti.

Among our research output, we had been Miragoâne to study the impact of the operation of bauxite in the area of Nippes.

Our records research showed that people in this region that is now the Department of Nippes, not moving much to Port-au-Prince.

For the bauxite factory provided jobs and opportunities.

But in addition, there was a hospital that offered the most services that people could find at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince.

The results of the research we conducted in the field have shown that people of the province came and stayed permanently in the capital for 3 main reasons:
1 - The hope of finding work
2 - Lack of service in provincial cities
3 - Requirements related to the educational training of university and technical.

Of course, there are other reasons.

But people move to the province, sometimes where they lived more or less comfortably, to Port-au-Prince, as the government and the private sector also have a policy of concentration by taking almost all their initiatives to the capital.

For example, the industrial parks of Port-au-Prince give the illusion that someone returns from the province can find a job. But probably the sad truth is that only one position is available for every 10 persons seeking employment.

So, the other 9, the unemployed, will stick together with their frustration in the slums that surround the capital.

An explosive recipe ...

Not necessarily all at once
The efforts being made in favor of decentralization, especially chambers of commerce, are too timid and limited to the business sector to measure their impact and see how they could make a real change in election under the country.

Some sectors of parliament advocating that the government's priorities should be implemented in a decentralized where councils are responsible for assigning and supervising a part of the budget allocated to their municipality.

In the event these sectors are successful for their constituents in the province, these choices should necessarily reflected in the budget.

For example, if 10% of the budget is devoted to a hotline as universal education for children, the government could split this line into three parts:
The first part would be under the direct control of central government to pay for costs related to planning, supervision and incentives that reward results achieved on target.

The second part should be available to the mayors on a proportional basis to the demographics of their town. Disbursements would be made to fund projects identified in a panel and according to predetermined standards.

The third party should form exceptional reserve funds to enable the central government to intervene in municipalities that have achieved low results and in some cases, to compensate for the unexpected.

Finally, after my studies at the Ecole Normale Superieure, I chose to go deliver courses of History and Philosophy at the Lycée Pinchinat Jacmel, in the context of the reform launched by the Minister Bernard for a more modern education and targeting a wider segment of the population.

Then I launched in the North-east, a reforestation project and production of charcoal and tree fruit.

Several of my friends had also decided to go work in the provinces.

Thus, individual efforts can contribute, but may not be enough to launch a tendency to move the capital to the province to provide services.

So, we need a sustained and determined action of the State to encourage young professionals to go into the country to offer their services.

That can be done in a systematic decentralization beginning with the creation of basic infrastructure.

Thank you
Paul G. Magloire
February 5, 2009

Paul G. Magloire, March 26 2010, 2:02 PM

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