Corruption in Haiti

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When Mr. Preval visited the United States, he promised to fight drugs and corruption in his second year in office.

One can wonder how sincere the president was since his american homologue delivered only empty promises to help Haiti.

If Mr Preval wants to really fight corruption in Haiti, he has to start right at the airport.

As soon as you get off the airport, the tourist is harassed by a group of people.

Employees at the airport and beggars alike make his life miserable.

They grab your luggage without even asking you for your authorization, then they want to fight you over money.

Furthermore when you exit the airport a line of beggars and thieves spy on your every move. No official at the airport have found it unacceptable for people to be harassing the visitors like that.
Another place Mr Preval might find it useful to fight corruption is right at the DGI. Only a few feet from the national palace, the DGI is a nest of corruption.

I have heard horror stories from students who spent a month there trying to get their identity card. They didn't have enough money to bribe the employees so that they can get in front of the line. As a result, they ended up being unable to get to the cashiers before the place closes.

If Mr Preval wants to really fight corruption, he doesn't have to look too far for it. We just hope he is sincere in his desire and he attacks it where it is too evident like at the airport and at the DGI.
God bless.

Max Johnson Fgb, May 21 2007, 8:59 AM

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