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deboisement en Haiti - Preval Haiti Videos
Haiti, empowering our Countryside and peasants.
This did not take us nor require much of us to accomplish. The solution to Haiti's problem is empowering our...
Photo Stories
President Rene Preval
President Rene Preval
Rene Preval and Jean-Louis Debre
President Rene Preval and Hillary Clinton
Rene Preval and Leonel Fernandez
Rene Preval in Canada
Rene Preval and Stephen Harper, Canada Prime Minister
Rene Preval and Condoleezza Rice
Rene Preval and Josette Sheeran
Rene Preval and Congressman Hank Johnson
Audios & Videos
Bringthepai Preval Talks About The School Tragedy
Obama Dissed Preval In Trinidad Preval Pawol Tafia
Did Obama Diss Preval
Woman Chosen As Haiti Prime Minister Nominee
Bringthepai Preval Kout Soulye
Archives of
(sa se achiv)
Rene Preval
President Of Haiti
May 14, 2006 – May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 1996 – Feb 7, 2001
That is right. After we expelled the useless...
Toulume and Michel Martelly are working for the CIA
Kidnapping Is A Device Used By MINUSTAH And Old Army To Restaure A New Army
Sebastien,i have balls to say Haitians are lazy,the...
What Preval has to do with this topic. I am talking...
President Rene Preval speaks to Al Jazeera about the reconstruction of Haiti
That is good news and I welcome such a move. However...
let me answer this question for you I come from the...
Pastor Rivel...
Well that will be a good thing, if he did.
Toulimen's Last Farewell To Open His Own Political Blog
Sebas,mesi papa. This kind of education every one...
greetings from mary
Marleine,wou si telman pral rinmin sakafet yo,wou...
No difference between asoma,guy,aristide to name few...
Well every country allowing dual citizenship have...
Haitian Unity Must Be The Driving Force of Our Freedom Liberation Fight
The Country is so poor because Haitians are Lazy
Aristid te di plis ke sa epi sa li te fe vole lajan...
Agent X,the only thing i will ask you? It's to bring...
Discour Pres Preval Fete Drapeau Arcahaie
Should Michele Pierre Louis B E Pm Of Haiti
President Fidel Castro Hosts Haiti President-elect Rene Preval
Haiti News Desk 7 10 08 Part 2
President Rene Preval speaks to Al Jazeera about the reconstruction of Haiti
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