President Preval Archives
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President Preval Archives
assamble des deputes - Preval Haiti Videos
Haiti Senator Rosny Desroche
Haiti Senator Rosny Desroche speaks to the media during a metting with the Haitian state representatives, deputes...
Photo Stories
Rene Preval and Hugo Chavez
Rene Preval and Georges W. Bush
Bill Clinton in Haiti Palais National
Rene Preval and Dominique de Villepin
Rene Preval and Stephen Harper, Canada Prime Minister
Rene Preval and Congressman Hank Johnson
Rene Preval and Josette Sheeran
Rene Preval and Fidel Castro
President Rene Preval
Rene Preval and Peter MacKay
Audios & Videos
Rene Preval Sworn In As Haiti's New President, Jeb Bush
Rene Preval Haiti Djakout Mizik Pouvwa
Haiti News Desk 7 10 08 Part 2
President Fidel Castro Hosts Haiti President-elect Rene Preval
Did Obama Diss Preval
Archives of
(sa se achiv)
Rene Preval
President Of Haiti
May 14, 2006 – May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 1996 – Feb 7, 2001
Pastor Dumaine, Jean-Pierre and I as you mentioned it...
The Ignorant Blog Manager Lost One Of His Good Bloggers
Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop.Vos parents...
Linda, the dual citizenship law is tolerated nor...
Hi mrs would be happy to help haiti do you know how...
The white man translated the word "Chimere" for...
Sebastien,"my faillure is your shame"meaning educates...
There is hope and we must continue to fight hard...
Jynee,you are 100% right the diaspora should give...
Sebas,mesi papa. This kind of education every one...
You are a perverted old macoute rat. I suggest that...
Toulimen,this blog manager is suck and stupid. Very...
Le Control Des Pays De L'Ouest Pour La Domination Du Monde
Clement Jumelle, Hi how are you this morning? is...
Markess Prospere,don't you repeat that name in your...
I had to send my cuz 600 for her to get a new place...
Pastor.Don't you worry about Toulimen; He is a...
Aristid te di plis ke sa epi sa li te fe vole lajan...
URGENT (repeat post)
Angelina,let's me know when you find out. Keep digging.
Did Obama Respect Preval Summit America 2009
President Rene Preval speaks to Al Jazeera about the reconstruction of Haiti
Haiti News Desk 7 10 08 Part 2
Did Obama Diss Preval
Obama Dissed Preval In Trinidad Preval Pawol Tafia
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