Massacre La Scierie St Marc Haiti

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Watch the Massacre La Scierie St Marc Haiti video, F vrier 2004 Masssacre La Scierie se souviendra Bale Wouze impose ses lois avec Amanus Mayette comme cerveau des op rations Saint Marc est le verrou de la r bellion du Nord pour atteindre Port au Prince Lavalas a tout fait pour m ter lopposition en particulier les membres du Ramiccosm La ville devenue le th tre de feu et de sang a v cu les pires moments de son histoire Les femmes et enfants nont pas t pargn s dans ce carnage Leur objectif nettoyer la ville de toute forme doppositions Massacre La scierie Documentary Bientot sur DVD More info at

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Aidawedo says...

What a fairy-tale!

Too bad this fight against so-called "rebels" to retake the city of Gonaives has been used by the enemies of democracy in Haiti to divide the people.

So some coup d'etat people are saying that Aristide should be tried for La Scierie -- which happened, or did not happen (no bodies, no proof), AFTER he was put on a plane at gun-point by US-Special Forces and Canadian Commandos, against his will and DEPORTED, to France's client state - the Central African Republic.

Neptune and Mayette both were arrested illegally and spent time in Haiti jails for the same charges they are accusing Aristide of and were BOTH eventually released because their MURDER case could not be PROVEN.

Now they were BOTH in Haiti at the time. How is Aristide who was in forced exile legally responsible for the civil war murders that coup detat folks brought on to Haiti?

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