School Collapse In Haiti Killing Over 75 Children

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Watch the School Collapse In Haiti Killing Over 75 Children video, My fair assessment of the tragedy in Haiti

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Haiticherie says...

I can't stress enough on how much we need to start blaming simply the president.

the negative takes a lot of energy.

stop wasting this energy and lets refocus is on something better.

lets not wait for the president to fix the country.

I'm not saying the president is or is not doing something bad, i'm just saying that the president alone is not the cause for so many bad things going on in our country, we have a lot of problems, we need to focus on how we can fix those problem together and start fixing it.its our country, we are the one suffering, not the president.

we have more reason to fix the country than he does.lets get to work people.

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Haiticherie says...

I don't think that this unfornate mishap had anything what so ever to do with the government and dictatorship.

We need to stop focusing on the negative, people.

we need to think for our country.

maybe someone was trying to help the country by providing a school, they probably just didn't have the necessary ressource needed to go about it. I'm not saying that this horrible thing that happen should go unblame but i'm just saying that we need to blame the right people.

stop blaming everybody else. start taking responsibility.

If we, as a people all do our part, things can and will be better for the country.

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1 6 3 1 says...

"When the people don't want to obey the rules, they scream dictatorship"

Some interesting words I read while watching the video.

Haitians don't like to live by the rules when they can "MANIPULATE" the ruler or when the "RULER" is within reach.

could this be a MASTER/SLAVE problem in our society that we are still dealing with?

By the way, I am not endorsing the video's claim that things were "better" under Duvalier, I am too young for that

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Une Lionne says...

More videos of deadly school collapsed in haiti.

When is the nightmare going to end for Ayiti Queskeya?

Cliquez ici pour regarder le contenu d'origine.

When is Preval going to realize that he is a FAILURE?

Haiti need some strong lions to take out all those "grand mangeurs" hyenas who do not know the meaning of hard work for their meals.


Haitian need to vote about becoming a US protectorate in exchange for a better economic future and security.

All haiti needs is a governor general on that small island.

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