President Preval Archives
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President Preval Archives
president preval
PHOTO: Haiti President Rene Preval and Bill Clinton in New York
Look at this photo... Haiti President Rene Preval and Bill Clinton in New York
Photo Stories
Rene Preval and Congressman Hank Johnson
Rene Preval and Dominique de Villepin
Rene Preval in Canada
Rene Preval and Josette Sheeran
Rene Preval and Fidel Castro
Rene Preval and Condoleezza Rice
Bill Clinton in Haiti Palais National
Rene Preval Making a speech
President Rene Preval
Rene Preval and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Audios & Videos
Trinidad Obama Dissed Preval Nouvelle Tournure New Twist
The Bush Administration Gave Its Deaf Ear To Haiti S President Rene Preval
Bringthepai Preval Kout Soulye
Caribbean News From Caribworldnews
Discour President Rene Preval Aux Gonaives 1er Janvier 2009
Archives of
(sa se achiv)
Rene Preval
President Of Haiti
May 14, 2006 – May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 1996 – Feb 7, 2001
Malandrin,Fait testament rou avant li tro ta.
He is with your mother under the bed,that's why you...
Just coming from church to hear that new about Michel...
Jynee since you are a lawyer 35% of the 8.5 million...
how the government in Haiti take the money matter not...
This was an interesting rant about Cuba, but what...
So Toulimen,The Pastor, and Mr. Alexander is the...
The Bible is a tissue of plagiarism from previous so...
Tete Kale Bobis, Why shouldn't I be mad? Don't you...
Sebastian, How do you expect Haiti to move forward...
did you meam that I have to pay taxes for haiti when...
I Michel Martelly is a American citizen by...
jynee You are too emotional to think rational and...
Sebastien,meaning the law should apply for the rich...
Tiba, I hear you loud and clear. If Martelly is...
Solutions to help Haiti. Vote yes or no
I agree with you, the agriculture must be our first...
Go panhandling in the subways to have your phone...
What do I care about the Lavalase people. They are...
Pastor River Durmaine in the news again
Caribbean News From Caribworldnews
Obama Dissed Preval In Trinidad Preval Pawol Tafia
Discour Pres Preval Fete Drapeau Arcahaie
Discour President Rene Preval Aux Gonaives 1er Janvier 2009
Should Michele Pierre Louis B E Pm Of Haiti
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