Rene Preval and Leonel Fernandez
rene preval, dominican republic, Haiti President, Leonel Fernandez, Dominican Republic president, Santo Domingo, Rene Preval Photos
Leonel Fernandez (R), president of the Dominican Republic, confers with Haitian President Rene Preval (L) at the presidential palace 15 March 2007 in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Photo: AFP/Getty Images
All Comments (11)
Linda, despite all of Haiti's troubles I am never ashamed to be Haitian.
I am troubled by your comments.
I do realize that many people are frustrated by the Haitian Gorvernment's lack of Governance, but everyone shoould be careful about what they call the president.
To call the president a "dog" is really disrespectful even if you don't think much of him. If we are calling him such names, what is to stop foreigners from saying worse things.
If we are not proud now, what is stop others from stumping on us while we are down. The Haitian infrastructure is and was in disarray how can they possible manage waste.
For the greater good sometimes you have to compromise, believe
Le bas qui me blesse le plus est de voir que le peuple s'entredechir et personne ne l'arreter, ou sont nos dirigents, pourquoi sont ils appellés a servir le public.
Est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui va se tenir debout et declarer c'est assez, je vais servir mon pays.
S'il vous plait quelqu'un, je vous prie en grace, nimporte qui fais quellle que chose pour au moins une fois rendre les hairtiens fiers que ce soit en haiti ou a l'etranger, cela ne demande pas beaucoup, juste la bonne volonte de servir avec honnettete fera une grande diiference meme dans l'esprit du plus mauvais haitien entre guillemets.
J'espere que quequ'un entendra mon cri et reagir.
Alors je dirai, il y a encore de bons haitiens digne de l'etre.
C'est dans cette adversite meme qu'il faut se faire connaitre.
Thomas, vous pouvez ecrire en français sur ce blog; la plupart d'entre nous parlent les deux langues.
Moi, j'essaierai de vous répondre en français, mais mon français est resté non utilisé pour si longtemp que je me corche mes propes oreilles, alors ce sera dificille pour vous a lire mes ecrits.
Pourtant, cela nous permettrait de continuer la discussion.
Thomas, feel free to write in French if you are uncomfortable with English.
Although I speak and read French well, I write it rather poorly--it is a tool I have not used in more than 20 years.
However, I will make the effort to respond to you in French, as will many others on this
My dear Friend, in a time of need and distress do not talk about dignity.
Now, Haitians need foods and they want to rebuild and there is no shame in getting services from the Dominican Republic.
We have helped Dominican Republic in getting its second independence from Spain in 1861 through 1865. We have used arms and many other economic resources to kick out Spain as a European Colonial and Imperial power out of the Island of Hispaniola.
We had helped them through their last earthquake and now it is their turn to help us. Do not talk about lack of dignity from Haitians.
I cannot welcome this comment.
Haitians people are strong, resilient and they are fighting to preserve their self-determiniation rights between imperial powers such as U.S. and France under the conspiracy of the Haitian elites.
ce sont des damne, des enfants de tenebre, ils prennent le bien pour le mal et le mal pour le bien, c pour ca ils sont comme ils sont, ils sont fous ces gens, mais ils croient qu'ils sont sages.
ils sont dans le tenebre, mais ils disent, nous sommes eclaires.
quelle race ¡ c pas grave, les dominicains continuent leur chemin et faire ce qu'ils font pour eux-meme et pour les haitiens, les dominicains sont chretiens, ils croient ds le bien, la lumiere et la bonte, les haitiens peuvent continuer a faire ce qu'ils font pour eux-meme, de toute facon les dominicains m'ont ps besoin des haitiens si ce n'est pour ce qu'ils fomt en rep.dominicaine.
Maia ca va changer, car la technologie avance, pour couper canne, des machines existent,
Merci em avant le
Racist is not a word to define Dominicans...
And you just have see how the USA treat immigrants coming from Latin American countries, not to mention Argentina, Spain, Germany and many others.
After this disaster in your country, all the hospitals in the Dominican Republic has been full of patients coming from Haiti.
Let's understand something; there is only one question Haitians need to ask themselves when they see that picture, and that is, "which part of Haiti is the president giving away now." I can actually answer that question for you. For those of you who do not know, aside from selling to the US and to Canada our most precious minerals and lands that could make our country rich if those properties were simply leased to foreign governments, with specific conditions that all the workers be Haitians, Preval's new stupidity is that he sold to the Dominican republic the Haitian recycling rights.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that our streets will be cleaner...
But, it also means that since a Dominican company has been given the rights to Haitian trash and recycling, with no provision that says that they have to hire Haitians to do the work, all the monetary profit from this work will go to the Dominican Republic.
Let's understand something; there is only one question Haitians need to ask themselves when they see that picture, and that is, "which part of Haiti is the president giving away now." I can actually answer that question for you. For those of you who do not know, aside from selling of to the US and to Canada our most precious minerals and lands that could make our country rich if those properties were simply leased to foreign governments, with specific conditions that all the workers be Haitians, Preval's new stupidity is that he sold to the Dominican republic the Haitian recycling rights.
What does that mean. Well, it means that our streets will be cleaner...
But, it also means that since a Dominican company has been given the rights to Haitian trash and recycling, with no provision that says that they have to hire Haitians to do the work, all the monetary profit from this work will go to the Dominican republic.
My name is Seraphin Astrel i'm haitian but i'm leaving in Dominican republic what i'm thinking about this picture between the president Haiti, and the the president domican republique.
But about me i'm thinking manythings cause i would like to say manything the best important is about the haitian who leaves here in the dominican republique i have many proove about