President Preval Wedding Pictures
rene preval, elisabeth debrosse delatour, Haiti President, Preval Wedding Pictures, presidential wedding, Rene Preval Photos
Haitian President Rene Preval married Elisabeth Debrosse Delatour, one of his economic advisers, in a small ceremony on Dec. 6, 2009.
Photo: Radio Vision 2000
All Comments (34)
histwa Michelle bernett la repete yon fwa anko. Haiti fouti.
men l paka presidan anko m ap gade pou m we. keep digging the gold and you may be the best digger
prezidan nou minm mounn kayimit .nou ta rin vini kominn nan ane 1988
Francois Lature te nome iles cayemites quatier communale.Min min kounyea nap mande pou nou vini commune
Sete O.P.D.I.C Organisation populaire pour le developpement des Iles
Vous avez dit que"The mulatto elites in Haiti are the oppressors."
Pourquoi quand un Haitien noire achete a credit chez un autre Haitien noire il ne lui paie pas. Cependant quand il achetent a credit chez le Syrien ou le mulatre il lui paie. La encore je me demande d'ou vient
You will not find such information but we can request an audit about Preval's management of Haitian Treasury before he leaves office at the end of his term. Once a Haitian president is good for his economic elites and the United States, one cannot resquest good audit to occur to hold such a president accounatable.
We might try, but we might not be successful too. I do not like his management but I will never call for his resignation or termination like others who like that to happen.
I am not a person of chaos.
I am calling now for drastic reforms to free Haiti from its internal oppressors.
The mulatto elites in Haiti are the oppressors.
Mulatto families silently colonnize us and want us to accept the self-internal communication as normal facts of life. If dark Haitians are idiots and stupids as the mulattoes claim it Haiti will never be
Haiti does not pay a president enough for him to accumulate one million dollars during his tenure in office.
So if Preval bought a million dollar house for his current wife that means he stole the money.
All presidential candidates in Haiti should be investigated about how they acquired their assets during the past 25 years.
Their assets should be re investigate 6 months before they leave office
If any know the salary of the president, the senators, the Deputies, the Judges, customs agents, the police etc...
please post them on this blog for the benefit of the bloggers.
I don't know if we could find such information on the Monitor
Im Haitian, , and Haiti will never advance leaders in the country has no dream or project to help their own country,,in 2007 the president (preval) bought a one million dollar house under his wifes name in coral gables,,,what kind of BS is
C'est aussi mon avis laisser le pays aux jeunes nationalistes .Mais mr. Lucas ignore l'analyse est basee sur la precedence de la premiere occupation americaine de 1915 a 1934 ou l'americain n'a rien foutu en Haiti.
Et mr. Lucas comme un oublieur continuellement fait encore appel a un ancien pays dominateur garant d'une doctrine imperialiste depuis 1823.
Ce n'est seulement que certains compatriotes analphabetes et mal informes brandissent le drapeau americain aux Cayes, c'est plutot est-ce les Etats-Unis est devenu vraiment un pays qui soutient le progress et la democratie chez nous ou bien sont-ils sous leur peau le meme imperialiste qu'avant.
Saltutations patriotiques.
Preval est incompétent, il doit laisser le pouvoir aux jeunes intellectuels dévoués pour reconstruire notre
The monkey (Preval)just get a woman that's all.
Or maybe he like light meat, that is