Zarien Krab - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Zarien Krab
(Page 2 of 3)
Nous sommes tous d'accord que le President Renee preval n'a pas...
May 1, 2009 9:19 PM
Nous sommes tous d'accord que le President Renee preval n'a pas suivi les normes de bienseances. Il m'est un peu difficile de croire que Mr Preval a attrape le bras du president americain pour attirer son attention. Nul ne peut defendre le... more »
Oh Dieu trois fois saint! Me yon nonm k'ap pale! Pep la renmen...
May 1, 2009 8:38 PM
Oh Dieu trois fois saint! Me yon nonm k'ap pale! Pep la renmen mange, intellectuel yo renmen job! yo tout vle ambasade, depite, senate ak direkte. Yo vote moun ki ka bay yo yon plat mange pou you ti moman! yo prefere moun ki ka bay yo yon job pou... more »
This is absolutely absurd for someone to be so disrespectful...
February 28, 2009 8:55 AM
This is absolutely absurd for someone to be so disrespectful. Why is he so bitter? Bitterness and stupidity cemented in an by ignorance have claimed the soul of this "mulato". He is a deranged individual, a coward who indulges himself in putting... more »
Tiba, I greatly appreciate your comment. I if I had to dissect...
August 3, 2008 2:25 AM
Tiba, I greatly appreciate your comment. I if I had to dissect your post you will give me reason. Brother, I am not detached or unaware of the situation at home. I still have brothers, sisters, nephews, cousins, and friends there. I am very happy... more »
Dr Rev Elie, Does Jesus have tolerance for all sinners? Is...
July 27, 2008 1:33 AM
Dr Rev Elie, Does Jesus have tolerance for all sinners? Is every sin a crime? As much as I disapprove homosexuality, I would not make it a crime. Many men behind the pulpit, I mean men who are called or chose to spread the gospel and be faithful... more »
Mwen Dako avek anpil bagay ou ekri nan post sa! Difikilte...
July 11, 2008 3:01 PM
Mwen Dako avek anpil bagay ou ekri nan post sa! Difikilte alphabet ak fason nou ekri kreyo la pa yon problem ki t'a cause yon moun pa apprann li. Se pratik. yon seuk bagay kreyol la ale yon fason diferan epi li prononse yon fason dideran ki koz... more »
Le creol est une langue comme toutes les autres. Certaines...
July 10, 2008 9:12 PM
Le creol est une langue comme toutes les autres. Certaines personnes considerent notre langue comme inferieure; c'est une abberration. Pour moi, c'est l'une des langues les plus belles et suaves; elle est superlativement sensuelle. On utiise l'ame... more »
MR Lavaud, Si ou bien songe, nou te fe yon diskission sou lang...
July 10, 2008 8:25 PM
MR Lavaud, Si ou bien songe, nou te fe yon diskission sou lang oficiel an Ayiti. Kote mwen te di ou ke yo anseye kreol an Ayiti. kreol la bay eleve ampil traka. Lontan te gen yon yon revi yo te rele Bon nouvel. kreol ki te ekri nan ti liv sa ki te... more »
I am so happy you get your sanity back. You realize that we are...
July 10, 2008 1:01 AM
I am so happy you get your sanity back. You realize that we are all haitians and need to get along. This is the most important thing you have said so far! If you try to educate us, you have used the wrong approach: arrogance, name calling, racist... more »
You like it soft? Is that why you are after Doremi? You think...
July 8, 2008 2:52 AM
You like it soft? Is that why you are after Doremi? You think he is soft? My God Doremi was not lying! So, you like it soft! Why? Did you get hurt when IT was too HARD! Poor little bastard! Is your statement a sign of post traumatic stress disorder... more »
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