Trebu Patriote - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Trebu Patriote
(Page 4 of 8)
Le Parlement: Retour Aux Anciennes Pratiques
September 19, 2007 1:29 PM
On se croyait à un nouveau tournant dans la vie politique haitienne. On croyait révolu le temps où l'Executif pouvait soudoyer le Pouvoir Législatif à coups de milliers sinon de millions de gourdes. On croyait enfin que le... more »
Le Retour des Forces Armées d'Haiti
June 28, 2007 5:21 AM
Vous faites erreur. Les forces armées d'Haiti doivent être reinstituées. L'existence de l'armée est prévue et garantie par la Constitution de 1987. On ne peut parler de respect de la loi mère et en même temps... more »
Reality check in Haiti
June 13, 2007 5:04 PM
You need to check the news in Haiti more often. You will know actually, there is a strike in the sector of public transportation. The petrol from Venezuela is not helping the Haitian People but it is making Preval richer. We have seen more boat... more »
Préval ignore les Haitiens de SantoDomingo
March 28, 2007 1:32 AM
Au cours de la dernière visite du Président Préval à Santo Domingo, les observateurs s'attendaient à voir le Chef de l'Etat porter au menu des discussions les problèmes que confrontent les Haitiens et les... more »
The truth about Preval
March 4, 2007 9:40 AM
Next time, you need to show more respect and more civility in your reply. Try to be more polite. Try to stay cool. I understand it is not easy to participate in a controversial debate. But make an effort to face conflictual ideas with less emotion... more »
The truth about Preval 's first term
March 2, 2007 8:20 PM
Can you even name the region or the department where the roads were built? How come the engineers did a so poor job and not been held accountable? Can you cite the names of the students who went to study abroad with the financial assistance of... more »
19962001 20062011
February 28, 2007 2:53 AM
The President you are talking about is the same guy who was President from 1996-2001 He was there already and the Haitian people has seen nothing new. He was there just to keep the power for his boss : Jean Bertrand Aristide. He had to go to... more »
Overthrowing bad government.
February 24, 2007 10:13 PM
The Haitian People has the right to overthrow any government that does not work on its behalf or fails to respect the constitution. When an elected government starts jailing or killing political opponents or simple citizens for no reason, it is... more »
February 20, 2007 3:04 AM
President Preval has come to power with the help of Brazil and the Minustha. Under pressure the CEP violated its own rules: the white ballots were distributed to the candidates instead of being ignored. During his first term 1996-2001, President... more »
Ignorance et Mauvaise Foi
February 18, 2007 2:42 PM
Le Président Préval et son Premier Ministre sont des incapables. Ils n'ont pas pu arriver à monter une équipe de gens qualifiés capables de cerner les problèmes réels du pays et d'appliquer les solutions... more »
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